Research Grants and Awards
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Funding Agency: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
仮想と現実を密にリンクする避難訓練XRシステム (Research and Development of Immersive Evacuation Training XR System) (PI: Prof. Hiroyuki Mitsuhara/University of Tokushima, Co-PIs: Prof. Hisashi Hatakeyama/Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dr. Kaede Kido/Nara Medical University, Dr. Zilu Liang, JPY 13,600,000, 2023-2028)
Overseas Collaboration Research Grant
Funding Agency: Kyoto University of Advanced Science
When Smartwatch Meets Serious Games: Towards a New Paradigm of swHealth (SmartWatch Health) for Improving Sleep Hygiene (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang, Co-PI: Dr. Edward Melcer / University of California, Santa Cruz, JPY 2,000,000, 2023-2024).
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early Career Scientists
Funding Agency: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
New ubiquitous computing system uniting chaos theory and data science for sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) screening with wearable devices (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang, JPY 4,680,000, 2021-2025)
Where is stress processed in brain during sleep? -- A Neuroimaging study into stress-related abnormalities in brain activity during sleep (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang, JPY 4,160,000, 2019-2021)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Startup
Funding Agency: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research and development of a novel approach for accurate personal sleep tracking (PI: Zilu Liang, JPY 3,000,000, 2016-2018)
The Interstellar Initiative
Funding Agencies: Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) & The New York Academy of Sciences
Development of a wearable fMRI (Early Career Investigators: Dr. Kasai Atsushi/Osaka University, Japan, Dr. Reinhard Friedemann / TU Munich, Germany, Dr. Zilu Liang; JPY3,000,000, 2018-2019)
Start-up Research Grant for Early-Career Researchers
Funding Agencies: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of Japan (AIST)
Personalized sleep data mining (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang; Co-PI: Dr. Takuichi Nishimura / AIST, Dr. Mario Alberto Chapa-Martell / CAC, Dr. Bernd Ploderer / QUT, Australia; JPY5,000,000, 2016-2018)
Endeavour Research Fellowship
Funding Agencies: Australian Government
Mobile and wearable computing for sleep health (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang; Host: University Melbourne / Prof. James Bailey; AUD 25,000, 2015)
Microsoft BizSpark
Funding Agencies: Microsoft Japan
Development of a personalized healthcare platform (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang; USD 27,000 equivalent of Microsoft Azure Cloud credits, 2015-2018)
Travel Grants
Funding Agencies: The University of Tokyo
Skill-up travel grant for female faculty (JPY 400,000, 2018)
Asian Dean's Forum: the rising starts women in engineering workshop travel grant (JPY 150,000, 2018)
Skill-up travel grant for female faculty (JPY 116,000, 2017)
Best Presentation Award, The 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024), 2024
Best Paper Award, The 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), 2023
Honorable Mention for Best Presentation Award, The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research, 2022
Honorable Mention for Best Presentation Award, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research, 2021
JSEE International Session Award, Japanese Society for Engineering Education, 2017
Merit Award of Singapore Challenge: The Science of Future Cities, A*STAR Singapore, SG$5,000, 2015
Young Researcher Award, IEICE Technical Committee on Information Management, 2015
Japan Venture Capital Association Award, Japan University Venture Grand Prix, 2014
Best Paper Award, The 18th International Conference on System Science, 2013
Best Student Paper Award, The 18th International Conference on System Science, 2013
Best Poster Award, The University of Tokyo Symposium, 2013
Young Researcher Award, IEICE Technical Committee on Network Software, 2012
Harashima Award, Electrical and Electronic Information Research Foundation of Japan, 2011
Best Paper Award, China National Conference on Wearable Computing and Mobile Computing, 2009