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​Teaching (2024)

Android App Development, Instructor (Spring Semester)​

Digital Signal Processing, Instructor (Fall Semester)

Master Research Projects, Supervisor (Sprint & Fall Semester)

PhD Research Projects, Supervisor (Sprint & Fall Semester)

Undergraduate Capstone Project, Co-Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester)

Undergraduate Pre-Capstone Project, Co-Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester)

Advanced Mechanical Electrical System Engineering, Co-Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester)

Future Seminar, Co-Instructor (Fall Semester)

Introduction to Communication Engineering, Supporting Instructor ​(Spring Semester)

Introduction to Information and Communication Networks, Supporting Instructor ​(Fall Semester)

System Programming with C Language, Supporting Instructor ​(Spring Semester)

Information Literacy, Supporting Instructor ​(Fall Semester)

Start-up Seminar A/B, Supporting Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester)

Undergraduate Cornerstone Projects, Mentor (Spring & Fall Semester)

My teaching is in line with the ISTE standard (International Society for Technology in Education). My mission is to prepare students to thrive in the Innovation Age by teaching them to think at three levels: 

WHAT: what is the basic concept?​

SO WHAT: what is its relevance and what is it related to? 

NOW WHAT: what can I do with what I have learned to find solutions to unmet needs?

I aim to use app development process to help students develop the key competences for 21st-century learners, aka. the ”Four Cs”: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration.​ I'm also committed to educational research surrounding learning design for integrating technology and incorporating the 4Cs. I combine a variety of learning technologies in my class to enhance students' learning experience and outcomes. 

Below are some enchanting topics in computing education research that trigger my neurons to fire

In every introduction to programming course, 20% of the students just get it effortlessly — you could lock them in a dimly lit closet with a reference manual, and they’d still figure out how to program. 20% of the class never seems to get it.” -- Prof  Mark Guzdial

It is not easy to find the right language to explain how I think I am different from the 'touchy feely ... make it fun make it easy' approaches to education... I have no doubt that this kid called the work fun because it was hard rather than in spite of being hard...Doing this requires concentration and discipline. It requires learning to deal with things going wrong by finding out how to fix the problem rather than by giving up in frustration...We are talking here about a special kind of fun ... 'hard fun'."-- Prof Seymour Papert (Co-inventor of Lego programming language )

Nervous systems do not form representations of the world, they can only form representations of interactions with the world." -- Prof Edwin Hutchins, Cognition in the Wild.

Below are some books that fuel up my teaching neurons

Teaching Related Publications

Teaching Related Outreach Activities

  • I am a reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 

  • I have been serving as a program committee member and reviewer for top-notch conferences on engineering and computing education, including IEEE TALE (2018~), ACM SIGCSE (2019~), ACM CompEd (2019~), ACM ITiCSE (2021~), IEEE EduCon (2021~), and IEEE CSEE&T (2023~). 

  • I served on the program committee of the IEEE EDUCON 2024 special session "Insights Through Learner Engagement Analytics (ILEA)". Submission closed.

  • I served on the program committee of the IEEE EDUCON 2023 special session "Learner Engagement Analytics Informed Pedagogy (LEAP)". Submission closed.

  • I served on the program committee of the IEEE EDUCON 2022 special session 'The Evolution of Pedagogic Practices in a  Post-Pandemic Higher Education Landscape (P4HE)'. Submission closed.​

  • I served as a guest associate editor for the special issue "Educational Technologies for Sustainable and Expansive Learning" under the journal IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Submission closed.

  • I joined KUASE Dean Prof Tabata to present the progress of our following project in the Higher Education DX Symposium 2021 in July 2021, which is part of the Scheem-D Initiative launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT). 

  • I joined KUASE Dean Prof Tabata to present our following proposal in the Scheem-D Initiative launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) in February 2021: BrAIn: Assist, Activate, and Amplify Brain Storming using AI. We are one of the 10 teams selected from 104 submissions.​  We are looking for partners in both academia and industry who are passionate about revolutionizing education with AI technology and are specialized in natural language processing, sentiment analysis, platform development, user interface design, etc . If you are interested please feel free to contact me: liang.zilu[at] (plz replace [at] by @). 

  • I received a Certificate of Appreciation from the IEEE Education Society for serving as a member of the IEEE TALE 2020 Local Organizing Committee. Looking forward to being involved in future IEEE TALE conferences.

  • We successfully organized a special track on “Preparing the Workforce for Industry 4.0: Robotics, Automation, and Ubiquitous Smart Technologies in Education”, in the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE) 2020. A summary of the track can be found here. I also served as on the Local Committee and Technical Program Committee of TALE 2020.

Awards of Supervised Students

  • Best Presentation Award, The 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024) / 1 master student, 2024.

  • Honorable Mention, 2024 IEEE CIS Student Grand Competition in Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare/ 1 PhD student, 2024.

  • Honorable Mention, 2022 IEEE CIS Student Hackathon on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare/ 1 Master student, 2022.

  • Winner, TALE 2020 Student Research Competition (Undergraduate Category) /4 Undergraduate students, 2020.

Outreach Activities / Demo Lectures

  • 19 Sep 2024. We provided 2 sessions of Capstone-Mini program to middle school students from Ikuei Nishi High School.

  • 20 July 2024. I provided a demo lecture on app development based on OpenAI in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan.

  • 17 July 2024. We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial collaborators.​​

  • April - June 2024. We held open lab events for visitors from Thailand (high school students and teachers), Indonesia (high school students and teachers), Vietnam (high school students and teachers), US (undergraduate students from Ohio State University), and Brazil (members of SEMESP).

  • March - Sep 2024. We provided Capstone-Mini program to visitors in seven Open Campus events. 

  • 14 March 2024. I provided a lecture "薬ではない“薬”~デジタル健康の最前線~(“Medicine” that is not a medicine ~frontiers of digital health~ )" on YumeNavi video stream platform to promote our research among high school students.

  • 18 Jan 2024. Our research was featured in the 2025 university guidebook. 

  • 15 Jan 2024. I gave a lecture on data analytics for wearable technology in the MS&AD Digital College from Kyoto, a customized employee training and development program for the MS&AD Insurance Group.

  • 13 Jan 2024. I provided a demo lecture on app development based on OpenAI in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan.

  • 10 Jan 2024. We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial collaborators.​​

  • 29 Aug 2023. I provided a demo lecture on engineering in daily to high school girls from the Notre Dame Jogakuin High School. 

  • 23 Aug 2023. I provided a demo lecture on sleep sensing to high school students from the Hyogo Prefectural Ichikawa High School. 

  • 6 Aug 2023. I provided a demo lecture on app development based on ChatGPT in KUAS Open Campus.

  • 9 July 2023. I provided a demo lecture on app development based on ChatGPT in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan.

  • 13 March 2023. I provided a demo lecture to high school girls from the Notre Dame High School. 

  • 22 Aug 2022. I provided  demo lecture to high school girls from the Kyoto Koka Women's High School. 

  • 29 July 2022. I provided  a demo lecture to junior high school students at the Shinagawa Shouei Junior High School in Tokyo.

  • ​28 July 2022. I provided a demo lecture to senior high school students at the Shinagawa Shouei Senior High School in Tokyo.

  • 7 July 2022. I provided a demo lecture to senior high school students from the Kamiichi High School of Toyama Prefecture. 

Faculty Development

English Medium Instruction Certificate, The University of Tokyo

In 2020 I completed an online professional development course on Global Englishes and English Medium Instruction provided by the UTokyo English Academia. This course equips university professors with the linguistic knowledge and pedagogical strategies to teach science and engineering subjects using English as a lingua franca in a global context. This involved 10 modules of lectures and quizzes, and 4 discussion forums. 

Melbourne Teaching Certificate, University of Melbourne

In 2015 I completed the Melbourne Teaching Certificate, a professional development program for staff with teaching responsibilities at the University of Melbourne. This involved 6 face-to-face workshops, a written assignment to reflect on the assessment of a subject, and peer reviews of my teaching activities.

Teaching (Past)

Research Seminar on Ubiquitous Computing, Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester) / Apr 2020 - Mar 2022

Technical Communications in English, Co-Instructor (Spring & Fall Semester) / Apr 2020 - Mar 2022

Web Development in Cloud: Hands-on Lecture for Personal Informatics, Instructor / Sep 2017 - Mar 2019

Tutoring / TA Work (Past)

  • Engineering Computation (C Language Programming) @ University of Melbourne, Jul - Nov 2015

  • Data Visualization @ The University of Tokyo, Oct 2014 –Mar 2015

  • Mathematics @ The University of Tokyo, Apr 2010 –Sep 2013

  • English for Engineers and Scientists @The University of Tokyo, Oct 2010 –Mar 2011

  • Special English Lecture @The University of Tokyo, Oct 2009 –Mar 2010

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