Highly Cited Papers (Top 20% in Web of Science)
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Accuracy of Fitbit wristbands in measuring sleep stage transitions and the effect of user-specific factors. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7(6):e13384, DOI:10.2196/13384. 【Top 5% among papers published in 2019】
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) Validity of consumer activity wristbands and wearable EEG for measuring overall sleep parameters and sleep structure in free-living conditions. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 2 (1-2): 152-178. 【Top 10% in 2018】
Liang Z, Ploderer B, Liu W, Nagata Y, Bailey J, Kulik L, Li Y. (2016). SleepExplorer: A visualization tool to make sense of correlations between personal sleep data and contextual factors. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 20(6): 985-1000. 【Top 10% in 2016】
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2021) A multi-level classification approach for sleep stage prediction with processed data derived from consumer wearable activity trackers. Frontiers in Digital Health (Section: Health Informatics) 3:665946. 【Top 15% in 2021】
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). Real-time Urban Traffic Amount Prediction Models for Dynamic Route Guidance Systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014: 85. 【Top 20% in 2014】
[Q1] Saskovets M, Saponkova I, Liang Z. (2025) Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: A Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health. 22/11/2024:69120. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.69120. PubMed SCI Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
[Q1] Liang Z, Melcer EF, Khotchasing K, Chen S, Hwang D, Hoang NH. (2024) The Role of Relevance in Shaping Perceptions of Sleep Hygiene Games Among University Students: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Serious Games 12:e64063. Doi: 22/09/2024:64063. PubMed SCI Scopus
[Q1] Liang Z. (2024) Developing Probabilistic Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Home-Based Sleep Apnea Screening using Overnight SpO2 Data at Varying Data Granularity. Sleep and Breathing 28: 2409-2420. Doi: 10.1007/s11325-024-03141-x. PubMed SCI Scopus
[Q1] Liang Z, Melcer E, Khotchasing K, Hoang NH. (2024) Co-design Personal Sleep Health Technology for and with University Students. Front. Digit. Health - Human Factors and Digital Health, 6:1371808. Doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1371808. PubMed SCI Scopus
[Q2] Liang Z. (2024) More Haste, Less Speed?: Relationship between Response Time and Response Accuracy in Gamified Online Quizzes in an Undergraduate Engineering Course. Front. Educ. - Higher Education, 9. Doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1412954. SCI Scopus
[Q1] Priyadarshana YHPP, Senanayake A, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) Prompt Engineering for Digital Mental Health: A Short Review. Frontiers in Digital Health - Digital Mental Health 6:1410947. Doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1410947. PubMed SCI Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I, Saponkova I. (2024) Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: Protocol for A Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols 13:e54030. Doi:10.2196/54030. PubMed SCI Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
[Q2] Liang Z. (2023) Novel method combining multiscale attention entropy of overnight blood oxygen level and machine learning for easy sleep apnea screening. Digital Health 9:1-19, Doi: 10.1177/2055207623121155. PubMed SCI Scopus
[Q1] Nhung, H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Knowledge discovery in ubiquitous and personal sleep-tracking: a scoping review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 11:e42750. Doi:10.2196/42750. PubMed SCI Scopus 【First author is master student】
[Q1] Ploderer B, Rodgers S, Liang Z. (2023) What’s keeping teens up at night? Reflecting on sleep and technology habits with teens. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27, 249–270. Doi: 10.1007/s00779-021-01661-x. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2023) Developing and Validating Ensemble Classifiers for At-Home Sleep Apnea Screening. Engineering Proceedings. 2023: 58(1):49. Doi:10.3390/ecsa-10-16184. Scopus
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2023) Developing a Cross-Platform Application for Integrating Real-time Time-series Data from Multiple Wearable Sensors. Engineering Proceedings. 2023; 58(1):4. Doi:10.3390/ecsa-10-16185. Scopus 【First author is master student】
[Q2] Liang Z. (2022). Context-aware sleep health recommender systems (CASHRS): a narrative review. Electronics 2022, 11(20), 3384. SCI Scopus Doi: 10.3390/electronics1120338
[Q1] Liang Z. (2022). Mining associations between glycemic variability in awake-time and in-sleep among non-diabetic adults. Frontiers in Medical Technology - Medtech Data Analytics, 4:1026830. Doi:10.3389/fmedt.2022.1026830. PubMed SCI Scopus
[Q1] Liang Z. (2021) What does sleeping brain tell about stress? A pilot fNIRS study into stress-related cortical hemodynamic features during sleep. Frontiers in Computer Science - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing 3:774949. Doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.774949. SCI Scopus
[Q1] Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2021) A multi-level classification approach for sleep stage prediction with processed data derived from consumer wearable activity trackers. Frontiers in Digital Health - Health Informatics 3:665946. Doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.665946. PubMed Scopus
Bertrand L, Cleyet-Marrel N, Liang Z. (2021) Recognizing eating activities in free-living environment using consumer wearable devices. Engineering Proceedings 6(1): 58. Doi:10.3390/I3S2021Dresden-10141. 【First authors are visiting master students】
[Q1] Liang Z, Ploderer B. (2020) “How does Fitbit measure brainwaves”: a qualitative study into the credibility of sleep-tracking technologies. PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 4(1):Article 17. Doi: 10.1145/3380994. SCI Scopus
[Q1] Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Accuracy of Fitbit wristbands in measuring sleep stage transitions and the effect of user-specific factors. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7(6):e13384, Doi:10.2196/13384. PubMed SCI Scopus # Featured in Techheading
[Q2] Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Not all errors are created equal: influence of user characteristics on measuring errors of consumer wearable devices for sleep tracking. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 18(15):e4. Doi: 10.4108/eai.24-7-2018.159404. Scopus
[Q2] Liang Z, Yoshida Y, Iino N, Nishimura T, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura S.(2019) A pervasive sensing approach to automatic assessment of trunk coordination using mobile devices. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 18(15):e5. Doi:10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.159604. Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Measurement accuracy of consumer sleep tracking wristbands is associated to users’ age and sleep efficiency. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 8(6):394.
[Q1] Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) Validity of consumer activity wristbands and wearable EEG for measuring overall sleep parameters and sleep structure in free-living conditions. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 2 (1-2): 152-178, doi:10.1007/s41666-018-0013-1. PubMed SCI Scopus # Cited by UK Parliamentary Office of Sciences & Technology # Featured in Gizmodo
Yoshida Y, Liang Z, Nishimura S, Konosu H, Nagao T, Nishimura T. (2018) Quality evaluation for sports coaching service: evaluate trunk torsion by mobile terminal. Transaction of Information Processing Society of Japan 59(2): 591-601.
[Q1] Liang Z, Ploderer B, Liu W, Nagata Y, Bailey J, Kulik L, Li Y. (2016). SleepExplorer: A visualization tool to make sense of correlations between personal sleep data and contextual factors. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 20(6): 985-1000. Doi: 10.1007/s00779-016-0960-6. SCI Scopus
[Q2] Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). Real-time Urban Traffic Amount Prediction Models for Dynamic Route Guidance Systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014: 85. Doi: 10.1186/1687-1499-2014-85. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Xiahou S, Chen D. (2010). Secured AODVjr Routing Protocol Based on SRP Algorithm. Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 39(Suppl.): 121-126.
Zhao H, Jin J, Jiang P, Gao W, Liang Z. (2008). LabVIEW and PCI DAQ Card Based HTS Test and Control Platforms. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol.6, no.2, 198-204.
Priyadarshana YHPP, Liang Z, Piumarta I. HelaDepDet 2.0 - A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Detecting the Severity of Human Depression on Social Media Analysis. JMIR Preprints. 05/12/2023:55181. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.55181
Saskovets M, Lohachov M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. Validity of a New Stress Induction Protocol using Speech Improvisation (IMPRO). BioRxiv 2024.09.10.612289; DOI:10.1101/2024.09.10.612289
Saskovets M, Lohachov M, Liang Z. Paralanguage as a Tool for Shaping Stress Response in Listeners: Multimodal Physiological Sensing Study. SSRN Preprints. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.5128014
Book Chapters
Priyadarshana, Y.H.P.P., Liang, Z., Piumarta, I. (2023). HelaDepDet: A Novel Multi-class Classification Model for Detecting the Severity of Human Depression. In: Takada, H., Marutschke, D.M., Alvarez, C., Inoue, T., Hayashi, Y., Hernandez-Leo, D. (eds) Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. CollabTech 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14199. Springer, Cham. SCI Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
Liang Z. (2022). Not Just a Matter of Accuracy: A fNIRS Pilot Study into Discrepancy Between Sleep Data and Subjective Sleep Experience in Quantified-Self Sleep Tracking. In: Spinsante, S., Silva, B., Goleva, R. (eds) IoT Technologies for Health Care. HealthyIoT 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 432. Springer, Cham. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA (2021) Validation of Omron wearable blood pressure monitor HeartGuide in free-living environments. In: Ye J., O'Grady M.J., Civitarese G., Yordanova K. (eds) Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. MobiHealth 2020. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 362. Springer, Cham. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Nishimura S, Nishimura T, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018). Investigating classroom activities in English conversation lessons based on activity coding and data visualization. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Liu W, Ploderer B, Bailey J, Kulik L, Li Y. (2017). Designing intelligent sleep analysis systems for automated contextual exploration on personal sleep-tracking data. In M. Otake, S. Kurahashi, Y. Ohta, K. Satoh, & D. Bekki (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 367-379. Berlin: Springer. SCI Scopus
Nishimura T, Liang Z, Nishimura S, et al. (2017). Axis visualizer: enjoy core torsion and be healthy for health promotion community support. In M. Otake, S. Kurahashi, Y. Ohta, K. Satoh, & D. Bekki (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer. SCI Scopus
Nishimura T, Liang Z, et al. (2016) Health promotion community support for vitality and empathy: visualize quality of motion (QoM). In: Duffy V. (eds) Digital Human Modeling: Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. DHM 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9745. Springer, Cham. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2015). Speed-volume relationship model for speed estimation on urban roads in intelligent transportation systems. Progress in Systems Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1089, 685-690. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). Automatic route shortening based on link quality classification in ad hoc networks. Advances in Systems Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 240, 345-354. Scopus
Conference Proceedings (Reviewed and Indexed)
Liang Z, Hwang D, Chen S, Hoang NH, Khotchasing K, Melcer EF. (2025) User Preferences for Interaction Timing in Smartwatch Sleep Hygiene Games. In the Proceedings of the 2025 ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025). (Acceptance rate = 10%) Scopus
Liang Z. (2025) Assessing Dietary Protein Intake: A Comparative Study of Two Consumer Mail-In Nutrition Test Kits. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. Scopus
Hoang N, Liang Z. (2025) Reconsidering AHI as an Indicator of Sleep Apnea Severity: Insights from Mining Large, Longitudinal Sleep Datasets. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2025) Anxiety Detection in Reddit Posts through Emotion Dynamics Analysis. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Kosasih KK, Karlsson DC, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2025) Eyes as Windows to the Heart: Predicting Heart Rate from Pupillometric Features. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2025) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data: A Comparative Study of Diabetic and Healthy Populations. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Liang Z (2024) Exploring the Impact of Wearable Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Glucose Regulation and Eating Behavior in Healthy Individuals: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of The 2nd Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop (BTIW 2024), Tokyo, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2024) Harnessing Consumer Smartwatches for Real-Time Heart Rate Streaming in Unity Game Engine. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia. Scopus
Liang Z, Nishida S, Noguchi T, Maenaka T. (2024) GyroTetris: Merging Mobile Gaming and Motion Sensing to Boost Motor Skills and Enjoyment. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. Scopus
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Developing Consumer Wearable Compatible Computational Models for Non-Invasive Glucose Estimation in Diabetes Patients. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia. Scopus 【First author is undergraduate student】
Ahmed H, Liang Z. (2024) CLOUDS: Seamless Mood Tracking on the Wrist. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference (ICLT 2024), Sydney, Australia. Scopus 【First author is undergraduate student】
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Exploring Sleep Apnea Risk Factors with Contrast Set Mining: Findings from the Sleep Heart Health Study. In Proceedings of The 11th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA-11), online. 【First author is PhD student】
Carvalho CF, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models on Three Distinct Populations. In Proceedings of The 11th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA-11), online. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Physiological Signal Based Blood Glucose Prediction in Diabetics and Non-Diabetics. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom 2024), Nara, Japan. SCI Scopus 【First author is undergraduate student】
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Saleh A, Liang Z. (2024) WristPet: Promoting Daily Physical Activity Through Nudge Theory in a Smartwatch App. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2024) LSTM-Based Glucose Prediction for Prediabetes. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2024) Time Series Analysis for Social Media Anxiety Detection: A Mini Review. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Yapa HPPP., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) ProDepDet: Out-Of-Domain Knowledge Transfer of Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Depression Detection in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations. In the Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Yokohama, Japan. Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Apnea Hypopnea Index Estimation from Low-Granularity Overnight Oxymetry Data. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), Rome, Italy. Scopus 【First author is PhD student】
Liang Z. (2023) Effect of Decision Boundary for Logistic Regression Classifiers on Sleep Apnea Screening Accuracy with Wearable SpO2 Data. In Proceedings of the14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2023), Kyoto, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2023) Developing Sleep Apnea Screening Models Compatible With Low-Resolution SpO2 Data. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2023) Multiscale attention entropy (MSAE) of overnight pulse oximetry for assessing sleep apnea. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023), Kyoto, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2023) Enhancing Learning Experience in University Engineering Classes with Kahoot! Quiz Games. In Proceedings of the 31st International
Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2023), Takamatsu, Japan. SCI Scopus -
Liang Z. (2023) Comparing Attitudes Towards Mobile App Development between International Students and Domestic Japanese Students. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2023), Auckland, New Zealand. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) An Experience Report on English Medium Instruction (EMI) based Computing Education in a Faculty of Engineering in Japan. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2023), Tokyo, Japan. SCI Scopus
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), Rome, Italy. Scopus 【Best Paper Award】 【First author is PhD student】
Del Valle A, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) A bi-national investigation of the needs of visually disabled people from Mexico and Japan. In Proceedings of 7th the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2023), Rome, Italy. SCI Scopus 【First author is master student】
Nhung H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Contrast set mining for actionable insights into associations between sleep and glucose in a normoglycemic population. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2023), Lisbon, Portugal. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Jayen H, Lukovnikova A, Nhung HH, Liang Z. (2023) Mining Contrast Rules in a Sleep Apnea Dataset. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan. SCI Scopus 【First authors are visiting undergraduate students】
Liang Z. (2022) Contextualizing introductory app development course for first-year engineering students. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2022), Hong Kong. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2022) Correlation analysis of nested consumer health data: a new look at an old problem. In Proceedings of the IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2022), Osaka, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2022) Association rules mining on multimodal quantified-self data. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, Jakarta, Indonesia. Scopus
Tanaka D., Tanaka J., Ikuru K., Liang Z., Piumarta I. (2022) AkiKomi: Design and implementation of a mobile app system for real-time room occupancy estimation. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), Osaka, Japan. Scopus 【First authors are undergraduate students】
Liang Z., Nhung H. H., Bertrand L., Cleyet-Marrel N. (2022) Context-aware sleep analysis with intraday steps and heart rate time series data from consumer activity trackers. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2022), Cyberspace. (Acceptance rate of full papers = 23%) SCI Scopus
Liang Z. (2021) An N-of-1 investigation into stress-related hemodynamics in the prefrontal cortex during the first sleep cycle. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021), Melbourne, Australia. (Acceptance rate = 57%) SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Nishi M, Kishida I. (2021) Teaching Android app development to first year undergraduates: textual programming or visual programming? In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2021), Wuhan, China. SCI Scopus
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2021) Investigating the effect of feature distribution shift on the performance of sleep stage classification with consumer sleep trackers. In Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021), Kyoto, Japan. Scopus 【First author is master student】
Bertrand L, Cleyet-Marrel N, Liang Z. (2021) The role of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in automatic detection of eating activities. In Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), Nara, Japan. SCI Scopus 【First authors are visiting master students】
Liang Z, da Costa Junior MG, Piumarta I (2020) Opportunities for improving the learning/teaching experience in a virtual online environment. In Proceedings of In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2020), Takamatsu, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z (2020) Student research competition (TALE SRC). In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2020), Takamatsu, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Tatha O, Andersen L (2020) Developing mHealth app for tracking academic stress and physiological reactions to stress. In Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), p.147-150, Kyoto, Japan. Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) A two-stage imbalanced learning method to sleep stage classification using consumer activity trackers. HEALTHINF 2020, Valletta, Malta. Scopus
Liang Z. (2019) Enhancing active learning in web development classes using pairwise pre-and-post lecture quizzes. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus
Liang Z. (2019) Design of a web development attitudes survey. In Proceedings of IEEE TALE 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus
White G, Liang Z, Clarke S. (2019) A quantified-self framework for exploring and enhancing personal productivity. In Proceedings of the 17th Intl Conf on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI '19), Dublin, Ireland. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Achieving accurate ubiquitous sleep sensing with consumer wearable activity wristbands using multi-class imbalanced classification. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICOM '19). p.768-775, Fukuoka, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining resampling and machine learning to improve sleep-wake detection of Fitbit wristbands. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI '19). Xi'an, China. Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining numerical and visual approaches in validating sleep data quality of consumer wearable wristbands. In Proceedings of IEEE PerCom Workshops (IQ2S Workshop), p.777-782, Kyoto, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) A top down approach for teaching web development on cloud. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, Wollongong, Australia. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Iino N, Nishimura T, et al (2017) Novel use of Nintendo Wii balance board for automatic evaluation on motion quality: feasibility and preliminary results. IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), Nagoya, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Are wearable EEG devices more accurate than fitness wristbands for home sleep tracking? Comparison of consumer sleep trackers with clinical devices. IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), Nagoya, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Iino N, Nishimura T, Nishimura S, Yoshida Y. (2017). Utilizing mobile devices for evaluating body trunk coordination: feasibility and preliminary results. The 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, Toyama, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Considering interpersonal differences in validating wearable sleep-tracking technologies. The 10th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, Toyama, Japan. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Ploderer B, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Is Fitbit fit for sleep-tracking? Sources of measurement errors and proposed countermeasures. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Barcelona, Spain. Scopus
Liang Z, Nishimura T, Nishimura S. (2017). Explicit exercise coaching for health promotion based on bio-mechanics and ontology engineering. In Proceedings of Health-i-Coach 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Scopus
Liang Z, Ploderer B. (2016) Sleep tracking in the real world: a qualitative study into barriers for improving sleep. In Proceedings of OzCHI 2016. Tasmania, Australia. SCI Scopus # Featured in Techheading
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) A personalized approach for detecting unusual sleep from time series sleep-tracking data. In Proceedings of IEEE Int Conf on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI '16). Chicago, US. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Nagata Y, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) Nurtuing wearable and mHealth technologies for self-care: mindset, tool set and skill set. In Proceedings of the 18th Int Conf on Networking, Applications & Services (HealthCom 2016), Munich, Germany. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T. (2016) Mining hidden dependencies between sleep and lifestyle factors from quantified-self data. In Proceedings of the New Frontiers of Quantified Self 2 Workshop (QS Frontier 2016) @ UbiComp '16. Heidelberg, Germany. SCI Scopus
Nishimura T, Liang Z, Nishimura S, et al. (2016) Health promotion community support for vitality and empathy: visualize quality of motion (QoM). In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII 2016). Toronto, Canada. Scopus
Liang Z, Ploderer B, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura T.(2016). A cloud-based intelligent computing system for contextual exploration on personal sleep-tracking data using association rule mining. In Proc. of ISICS 2016, Merida, Mexico. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2015). Framing self-quantification for individual-level preventive healthcare. Proc. of HEALTHINF 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). A route guidance system with personalized rerouting for reducing travelling time of vehicles in urban areas. Proc. of ITSC 2014, Qingdao, China. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). Speed-volume relationship model for speed estimation on urban roads in intelligent transportation systems. Proc. of ICSEng 2014, Las Vegas, USA. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2013). City traffic prediction based on real-time traffic information for intelligent transportation system. Proc. of ITST 2013, Tampere, Finland. SCI Scopus
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2013). Automatic route shortening based on link quality classification in ad hoc networks. Proc. of ICSS 2013, Wroclaw, Poland. Scopus 【Best Paper Award】【Best Student Paper Award】
Liang Z, Taenaka Y, Ogawa, Wakahara Y. (2011). Pro-reactive route recovery with automatic route shortening in wireless ad hoc networks. Proc. of ISADS 2011, Kobe, Japan. Scopus
Invited Talks
Liang Z. (2024) From smartwatches to social network services: digitalize health with ubiquitous and personal computing technologies. Language & Semantic Technology Research Team (LST), Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (AINRU), National Electronic & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand.
Liang Z. (2023) From Serious Games to Wearables: Supporting People with Developmental Disorders with AI-Empowered Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. KUAS Research Network Symposium.
Liang Z. (2023) Ubiquitous and Personal Computing for Health and Well-being. International Seminar on Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Liang Z. (2022) Machine learning and data mining in consumer health informatics. International Seminar on Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Liang Z. (2021) Mobile and Wearable Computing for Studying Human Physiology and Behavior in the Wild. Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.
Liang Z. (2020) Wearable Technologies for Enhancing Health and Sports Performance. Health and Sports Science Seminar, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, KUAS.
Liang Z. (2019) Wearable Computing and Personal Informatics for Health and Wellbeing. Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.
Liang. Z. (2018). Time and sequence matter: investigating the relationship between sleep and day-time events. Asian Deans' Forum 2018: The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop, Hongkong.
Liang. Z. (2015). Unburdening Overloaded Urban Healthcare Systems with Data-Driven Personalized Self-Care. Singapore Scientific Conference, Singapore.
Conference/Workshop/Symposium Presentations
Liang Z, Melcer EF, Hwang D, Chen S, Hoang NH, Khotchasing K. (2025) Game On for Better Sleep: Designing Serious Games to Promote Sleep Hygiene in University Students. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal.
Yapa HPPP, Liang Z. (2025) Improving In-Context Learning Interpretability with Free-Text Explanations for Complex Tasks. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2025), Porto, Portugal. 【First author is PhD student】
Yapa P, Senanayake AL, Liang Z. (2025) Enhancing interpretability of large language models for contextually dissimilar tasks. In Proceedings of the 87th National Convention of IPSJ, Osaka, Japan. 【First author is PhD student】
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2025) Identifying Sleep Apnea Risks Through Contrast Set Mining. In Proceedings of the 87th National Convention of IPSJ, Osaka, Japan. 【First author is PhD student】
Franca Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2025) Deep Learning Based Continuous Glucose Prediction for Different Diabetic Populations. In Proceedings of the 87th National Convention of IPSJ, Osaka, Japan. 【First author is master student】
Senanayake AL, Yapa P, Liang Z. (2025) Comparative Analysis of XGBoost and Conventional Machine Learning Models for Detecting Anxiety Using Psycholinguistic Features in Social Media Text. In Proceedings of the 87th National Convention of IPSJ, Osaka, Japan. 【First author is master student
Liang Z. (2024) Middleware Solution for Real-Time Physiological Data Streaming from Consumer Smartwatches. In Proceedings of the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024), Kyoto, Japan. 【Best Presentation Award】
Franca Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence (BDCI 2024), Kyoto, Japan. 【First author is master student】 【Best Presentation Award】
Liang Z. (2024) Computational Modeling for Effective Sleep Apnea Screening with Consumer Wearable Devices. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing, Big Data and Internet of Things (CCBDIoT 2024), Chengdu, China.
Liang Z. (2024) Analysis of Students’ Response Time and Performance in Kahoot! Quiz Games in a University Engineering Course. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2024), Yamaguchi, Japan.
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Wearable-Friendly Apnea Severity Classification. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom 2024), Nara, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Priyadarshana YHPP, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024). Transferring Large Language Models for Depression Detection through Multi-Party Conversation Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom 2024), Nara, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Apnea-Hypopnea Index Estimation from Single Channel Blood Oxygen Saturation Data. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR 2024), Yokohama, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Utility of fNIRS for Evaluating Human Voice Acoustics for Stress Management. In Proceedings of the VIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (SfNIRS 2024), Birmingham, UK. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Effect of Soothing Human Voice on the Stress Response. In Proceedings of the joint meeting of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP), and the 8th Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS) Congress (NEURO 2024), Fukuoka, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Karunarathna ST, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Estimation Models for Diabetes and Their Utility on Healthy Individuals. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence (BDCI 2024), Kyoto, Japan. 【First author is undergraduate student】
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) A Human-Computer Interaction Study of Smartwatch Application for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle. In Proceedings of the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024), Kyoto, Japan. 【First author is master student】
Hoang HN, Khotchasing K, Melcer E, Liang Z. (2024) Serious gamification app for improving sleep-wake cycle and sleep education. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), Rome, Italy. (reviewed) 【Best PhD Candidate Project Award】 【First author is PhD student】
Kosasih K. K., Liang Z. (2024) Predicting heart rate from pupilometric data. IEICE General Conference 2024, Hiroshima. 【First author is master student】
Liang Z. (2023) Machine Learning based Sleep Apnea Screening with Overnight SpO2 Recordings. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR), Yokohama, Japan. 【Honorable Mention for the Best Presentation Award】 (reviewed)
Liang Z, Saskovets M. (2023) Investigating Subjective-Objective Sleep Discrepancy with Consumer Sleep Tracking and Wearable fNIRS Technologies. The 2023 International Artinis (f)NIRS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. (reviewed)
Liang Z. (2023) Gamifying Digital Signal Processing Learning with Kahoot! Quiz. IEICE General Conference 2023, Oomiya.
Liang Z, Yahya KN, Setiawan EN, Kasan JA, Firdauzi MO. (2023) FunAlarm: Gamification-Based Smartphone Alarm Application for Reducing Wakeup Delay. The 4th Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep (ASSM 2023), Bangkok, Thailand. (reviewed)
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2023) Shallow and Deep Learning Models for Detecting Apnea Events in Stroke Patients. The 4th Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep (ASSM 2023), Bangkok, Thailand. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Khotchasing K, Liang Z. (2023) A Pilot Study into the Feasibility of Utilizing Contagious Yawning to improve Sleep Quality. The 4th Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep (ASSM 2023), Bangkok, Thailand. (reviewed) 【First author is master student】
Nhung HH, Jayen H, Lukovnikova A, Liang Z. (2023) Beyond Statistical Analysis: Identifying Meaningful Patterns in Sleep Apnea Dataset using Contrast Set Mining. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR 2023), Yokohama, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is PhD student】
Khotchasing K, Nhung HH, Liang Z. (2023) Design and Development of Gamification mHealth Application for Sleep Hygiene Intervention. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR 2023), Yokohama, Japan. (reviewed) 【First author is master student】
Saskovets M, Liang Z. (2023) Validation of a New Stress Induction Protocol using Speech Improvisation in Front of Audience: an fNIRS Pilot Study. The 2023 International Artinis (f)NIRS Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. 【First author is PhD student】
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2023) Developing a Cross-Platform Application for Health Data Integration from Multiple Wearable Sensors. IEICE Society Conference 2023, Nagoya. 【First author is master student】
Nhung H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Identifying Patterns in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data using Contrast Set Mining. IEICE General Conference 2023, Oomiya. 【First author is master student】
Liang Z. (2022) Changes in attitude towards mobile app development: a preliminary comparison between MIT App Inventor and Android Studio. In Proceedings of the 2022 IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Hiroshima, Japan. (reviewed)
Liang Z. (2022) Mining associations between Fitbit measured sleep structure and subsequent daytime glycemia patterns. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR 2022), Kyoto, Japan. 【Honorable Mention for the Best Presentation Award】 (reviewed)
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2022) Less is more: Apple Watch based four-stage sleep classification with small and large feature sets. IEICE General Conference 2022, Online. 【First author is master student】
Liang Z. (2021) Association between bedtime stress level and hemodynamics in prefrontal cortex during sleep. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR 2021), Fukuoka, Japan. (reviewed)
Liang Z. (2021) Self-rated sleep quality is associated with hemodynamics in prefrontal cortex in the first sleep cycle. In Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Asian Society of Sleep Medicine (ASSM), Beijing, China. (reviewed)
Liang Z (2021) Teaching Android app development with MIT App Inventor in an English-medium instruction context. In Proceedings of the Annual Autumn Meeting of Japanese Society for Educational Technology, Kumamoto, Japan.
Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2021) Effect of feature distribution shift on sleep-wake classification with Apple watch. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEICE Society Conference, Kumamoto, Japan. 【First author is master student】
Liang Z (2021) Reflection on an English-medium app development course. In Proceedings of the Annual Spring Meeting of Japanese Society for Educational Technology, Kobe, Japan.
Liang Z (2020) Leveraging ubiquitous learning technologies for collaborative online learning. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conf of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, Hiroshima, Japan.
Liang Z (2020) Engaging students in online virtual classroom using web application Sutori. The 19th IPSJ Forum of Information Technology, Hokkaido, Japan.
Liang Z, Andersen LE, Tatha O. (2020) Towards automatic analysis of relationship between perceived stress and physical activity with self-tracking technologies. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEICE General Conference, Hiroshima, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) Leveraging consumer activity trackers for sleep stage prediction. The 82th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Kanazawa, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) Towards the visualization of classroom orchestration. Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Educational Technology (JSET), Nagano, Japan.
Yun S, Moekoe C, Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2020) Leveraging cloud-based learning technologies for developing professional communication skills in a collaborative learning environment. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEICE Society Conference, Tokushima, Japan. 【First authors are undergraduate students】
Moekoe C, Yun S, Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2020)Building Technical Communication Skills of Engineering Students using Authentic Materials and Tasks. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEICE Society Conference, Tokushima, Japan. 【First authors are undergraduate students】
Smith M, Liang Z, Piumarta I, Tabata O, Takeda K. (2020) Design of faculty development training program for English medium instruction in engineering. Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Educational Technology (JSET), Nagano, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Moving beyond statistical analysis: applying association rule mining to discovering correlations between daily behavioral rhythm and sleep quality. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology, Kanazawa, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Measurement accuracy of consumer sleep tracking wristbands is associated to user-specific factors. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, Tsukuba, Japan.
Liang Z, White G, Clarke S, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Mining association rules in quantified self data for better sleep and productivity. IEICE Society Conference 2019, Osaka, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Mitigating resource constraints in web development education using commercial cloud services. The 18th Forum on Information Technology, Okayama, Japan.
Liang, Z., Nishimura, S., Nishimura, T, Chapa-Martell, M. A. (2018) LessonSpectrum: visualizing teaching and learning activities in English conversation lessons. Orchestrating Learning Analytics (OrLA) workshop, Sydney, Australia.
Egholm-Andersen, L., Liang, Z., Morimura, K. (2018). A web application for analyzing stress association factors among students. IEICE General Conference, Tokyo.
Liang Z, Nishimura S, Nishimura T, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017) Understanding Teachers' Time Management in English Conversation Classes using Experience Sampling Method and Data Visualization. International Workshop on Knowledge Explication for Industry, Tokyo, Japan.
Liang, Z., Nishimura, S., Nishimura, T., Iino, N. (2017) Gaining insights from English Conversation classes using thematic analysis: a pilot study. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education, Singapore.
Liang, Z., Chapa-Martell, M.A. (2017) Wearable EEG v.s. wristband: which is more accurate for sleep tracking under free living conditions? The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC'17), Jeju, Korea.
Liang, Z. (2017). Comparison of commercial wearable sleep trackers to subjective sleep quality. In Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, Yokohama, Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2017). Paradox in validating consumer wearable activity trackers on measuring sleep quality. The 16th Forum on Information Technology, Tokyo.
Liang, Z., Liang, H., Nishimura, T., Nishimura, S., Yoshida, Y. (2017) Automatic evaluation on trunk coordination ability using portable devices: feasibility and preliminary results. The 16th Forum on Information Technology, Tokyo.
Liang, Z., Nishimura, S., Nishimura, T., Iino, N. (2017) Understanding effective teaching in advanced English conversation classes through thematic analysis. The 16th Forum on Information Technology, Tokyo.
Liang, Z., Chapa-Martell, M. A. (2017). Mining wearable sleep data for detecting unusual sleep. IEICE General Conference, Nagoya.
Ploderer, B., Vyas, D., Nolan, S., Happer, C., Cunningham, T., Liang, Z. (2017). SleepBeta: engaging adolescents and their parents with sleep data. CHI workshop, Denver, USA.
Liang Z, Morimura K, Hernandez YA. (2017) Empowering globalization of engineering education with open-source e-learning platform and cloud computing technology. JSEE Annual Conference International Session Proceedings 2017.
Hernandez YA, Liang Z, Morimura K. (2017) International communication through Skype for engineering education. JSEE Annual Conference International Session Proceedings 2017. 【JSEE International Session Award】
Morimura K, Hernandez YA, Liang Z. (2017) M-Skype as a COIL program: collaborative online international learning. JSEE Annual Conference International Session Proceedings 2017.
Liang, Z., Liang, H., Nishimura, T., Chapa-Martell, M. (2016). Quantitative Analysis of Difference between Good and Bad Motion During Coordinated Movements and Its Potential Application to Healthy Aging. In Proc. of HAT-MASH Workshop 2016, Yokohama.
Nishimura, T., Yosihda, Y., Liang, Z., et al. (2016). Evaluate the quality of posture and motion: for motion which makes body happy without fatigue and damage. Symposium of Sports Engineering and Human Dynamics, Yamagata.
Liang, Z., Nishimura, S., Nishimura, T. (2016) Quantifying core strength in viewpoint of neuromuscular control. In Proceedings of LIFE2016, Sendai.
Liang, Z., Nishimura, S., Nishimura, T. (2016) Quantifying and visualizing trunk strength using mobile devices. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Kokura.
Liang, Z.; Chapa-Martell, M. A. (2015). Development of A Web-Based Automatic Data Analysis Tool for Users Without Statistics Background. Proc. of 10th AEARU Workshop on Computer Science and Web Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
Liang, Z. (2015). A Web Application for Automatic Analysis on Life-Style Factors Affecting Personal Health from Self-Tracking Data. Proc. of HEALTHINF 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
Liang, Z., Liu, W., Ploderer, B., Bailey, J., Kulik, L., and Li, Y.(2015). Making Sense of Personal Sleep-Tracking Data through Automated Correlation Analysis and Visualization of Sleep Data and Contextual Information. In Proc. of HAT-MASH Workshop 2015, Yokohama.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2014). Microscopic Route Guidance System with Vehicle-Level Rerouting for Facilitating Smooth Travel in City Areas. Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2014, Tokushima. 【English Session Encouragement Award】
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2014). Proactive Route Guidance System based on Vehicle Ranking. Proc. of IEICE General Conference 2014, Niigata.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2014). Urban Traffic Prediction Models for Dynamic Route Guidance Systems. Proc. of GCOE Symposium 2014, Tokyo. 【Best Poster Award】
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2014). Reducing Average Travel Time through Individualized Route Guidance in Urban Traffic Network. Proc. of APNOMS 2014, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Liang Z, Wakahara Y. (2013). Urban Traffic Prediction in the Scope of Intelligent Transportation System. Proc. of APNOMS 2013, Hiroshima, Japan.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2013). Urban Traffic Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Correlation. Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2013, Fukuoka.
Liang, Z.; Polak, J.; Wakahara, Y. (2013). Investigation on the Performance of Route Guidance Systems with Imperfect Input. Proc. of IEICE General Conference 2013, Gifu.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2013). Effect of Imperfect Input on the Benefit of Route Guidance Systems (RGS). The University of Tokyo Multi-disciplinary Student Symposium 2013, Tokyo.
Yao, X; Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2012). Extending the Synchronized Multi-Hop Protocol with Fast Transmission Failure Recovery for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Proc. of IEICE Network Software Conference.
Liang, Z.; Yao, X; Wakahara, Y. (2012). A New Intelligent Transport System for Traffic Congestion Management. Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2012, Toyama.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2012). Performance Improvement of Route Shortening in Wireless Ad Hoc Network. Proc. of the 16th Network Software Conference, Hakotate.
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Wakahara, Y. (2012) Applying Support Vector Machine to Automatic Route Shortening in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of IEICE General Conference 2012, Okayama.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2011). Improving women’s health through proactive health education. Proc. of APRU DSC 2011, Beijing, China.
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2011). Automatic Route shortening based on Support Vector Machine in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2011, Sapporo.
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2011). Automatic Route Shortening for Performance Enhancement in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of the 13th Network Software Conference, Kushiro. 【Network Software Research Award】
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2011). Incorporating Route Recovery Information to Gossip Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Network. Proc. of IEICE General Conference 2011, Tokyo.
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2010). Automatic Route Recovery Based on Relay Nodes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of IEICE Society Conference 2010, Osaka.
Liang, Z.; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2010). An Automatic Route Recovery Method Based on Reserved Virtual Local Paths for Wireless Ad Hoc Network. Proc. of IEICE General Conference 2010, Sendai.
Technical Reports
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Predicting medical-grade sleep/wake classification from Fitbit data using tree-based machine learning. IPSJ SIG Technical Report 2019-UBI-62(14):1-8.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA, Ploderer, B. (2017) Inter-individual differences in sleep quality: insights from mining wearable sleep-tracking data. IPSJ SIG Technical Report 2017-MBL-82 (54):1-6.
Nishimura T, Nishimura S, Yoshida Y, Liang Z, et al. (2016) Development of knowledge of texts and on-site evaluation technologies for exercise coaching. IPSJ SIG Technical Report.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2013). Real Time Traffic Prediction in Urban Traffic Network. IEICE Technical Report, 2013-ITS-54:5, ITS2013-13, 1-6.
Liang, Z.; Polak, J.; Wakahara, Y. (2013). Simulation Studies on the Benefit of Route Guidance Generated from Imperfect Traffic Data. IEICE Technical Report, 112:470, ITS2012-62, 37-42.
Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2012) Reliable Local Recovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Technical Report, 112:350, NS2012-139, 133-138.
Yao, X; Liang, Z.; Wakahara, Y. (2012). Synchronized Multi-Hop Protocol with Fast Transmission Failure Recovery for IEEE 802.11 Multi-Hop Wireless Network under Large Interference Range. IEICE Technical Report, 112:350, NS2012-120, 19-24.
Liang, Z.; Taenaka, Y; Ogawa, T; Wakahara, Y. (2011). Fast and Low-Overhead Route Recovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEICT Technical Report, 110:372, NS2010-146, 25-30.