Dr. Zilu
Associate Professor
Director, Ubiquitous and Personal Computing Lab
Faculty of Engineering
Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS), Japan
Check out our lab website for more information of on-going research projects!
Research areas: ubiquitous computing, wearable computing, personal informatics, digital health (sleep, stress, circadian rhythm)

Chichén Itzá
Yucatán, México
I received my MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Information Systems from the University of Tokyo in 2011 and 2015 respectively. During my studies, I had the opportunity to pursue exchange programs at the University of Oxford in 2010 and at Imperial College London (working with Prof. John Polak) in 2012. In 2015, I was honored to receive the Australian Government Endeavor Research Fellowship, which supported my postdoctoral research at the University of Melbourne with Prof. James Bailey, Prof. Lars Kulik, and Dr. Bernd Ploderer. From 2016 to 2019, I served as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, where I played an active role in several initiatives aimed at internationalizing engineering education. I am a member of multiple research associations and have received several awards for my research contributions.
As an avid supporter of the Quantified Self movement, my research focuses on integrating a variety of sensing, computing, and data mining techniques to address challenges in data collection, analysis, and human-computer interaction, particularly in the context of health and well-being. In 2020, I founded and have since led the Ubiquitous and Personal Computing Lab at KUAS. My research has been supported by the JSPS and AMED. I currently serve as an associate editor for the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine and JMIR mHealth and uHealth, as well as associate chair for ACM CHI. I am also actively involved in international collaborations and look forward to mentoring highly motivated students in several exciting ongoing research projects.
Growing up in a family of teachers, I developed a natural passion for education. I hold a teaching certificate from the University of Melbourne and an English Medium Instruction (EMI) certification from the University of Tokyo. In line with the ISTE standards from the International Society for Technology in Education, my mission is to prepare students to thrive in the Innovation Age by teaching them to think at three levels: WHAT (what is the basic concept?), SO WHAT (what is its relevance and how does it connect to other concepts?), and NOW WHAT (how can I apply what I've learned to solve real-world problems?). I am also committed to educational research focused on learning design. Since 2018, I have served as a program committee member and reviewer for leading international conferences on engineering and computing education, and I am a member of several educational research societies.
I treasure physical strength and self-discipline. When I'm not researching or teaching, you can find me doing HIIT (Les Mills), barbell training, kick boxing, Pilates, yoga (Bikram) to maintain pro-athlete level metabolic profile. I have trained for 10 years in Taekwondo, Chinese martial art and Shotokan Karate. I follow a Paleo diet with time-restricted feeding and I'm strongly against sugar and artificial sweeteners.
[Journal] 05 Feb 2025. JMIR Mental Health (Q1)
Our following paper was accepted by JMIR Mental Health, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Saskovets M, Saponkova I, Liang Z. Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: A Scoping Review. (Acceptance rate = 25%)
[Conference] 17 Jan 2025. CHI 2025 @ Yokohama, Japan
Our following paper will be published in the Proceedings of the 2025 ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025), the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.
Liang Z, Hwang D, Chen S, Hoang NH, Khotchasing K, Melcer EF. User Preferences for Interaction Timing in Smartwatch Sleep Hygiene Games. (Acceptance rate = 10%)
[Conference] 8 Jan 2025. HEALTHINF 2025 @ Porto, Portugal
Our following papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Health Informatics, a premier international conference of health informatics.
Liang Z. (2025) Assessing Dietary Protein Intake: A Comparative Study of Two Consumer Mail-In Nutrition Test Kits.
Hoang N, Liang Z. (2025) Reconsidering AHI as an Indicator of Sleep Apnea Severity: Insights from Mining Large, Longitudinal Sleep Datasets.
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2025) Anxiety Detection in Reddit Posts through Emotion Dynamics Analysis.
Kosasih KK, Karlsson DC, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2025) Eyes as Windows to the Heart: Predicting Heart Rate from Pupillometric Features.
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2025) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data: A Comparative Study of Diabetic and Healthy Populations.
[Conference] 11 Dec 2024. ICLT 2024 @ Sydney, Australia
Our following papers were published in the Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Consumer Life Tech Conference.
Liang Z. (2024) Harnessing Consumer Smartwatches for Real-Time Heart Rate Streaming in Unity Game Engine.
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Developing Consumer Wearable Compatible Computational Models for Non-Invasive Glucose Estimation in Diabetes Patients.
Ahmed H, Liang Z. (2024) CLOUDS: Seamless Mood Tracking on the Wrist.
[Conference] 18 Nov 2024. HealthCom 2024 @ Nara, Japan
Our following papers were published in the Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services.
Karunarathna T, Liang Z. (2024) Physiological Signal Based Blood Glucose Prediction in Diabetics and Non-Diabetics.
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Wearable-Friendly Apnea Severity Classification.
Priyadarshana YHPP, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024). Transferring Large Language Models for Depression Detection through Multi-Party Conversation Analysis.
[Conference] 29 Oct 2024. GCCE 2024 @ Kokura, Japan
Our following papers were published in the Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics.
Liang Z, Nishida S, Noguchi T, Maenaka T. (2024) GyroTetris: Merging Mobile Gaming and Motion Sensing to Boost Motor Skills and Enjoyment.
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Saleh A, Liang Z. (2024) WristPet: Promoting Daily Physical Activity Through Nudge Theory in a Smartwatch App.
Carvalho CF, Karunarathna TS, Liang Z. (2024) LSTM-Based Glucose Prediction for Prediabetes.
Senanayake A, Liang Z. (2024) Time Series Analysis for Social Media Anxiety Detection: A Mini Review.
[Editorial Service] 21 Oct 2024. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (Q1)
I was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for JMIR mHealth and uHealth, a top journal in health informatics and digital health.
[Conference] 27 Sep 2024. CCBDIoT2024 @ Chengdu, China
We made the following presentation at 3rd International Conference on Computing, Big Data and Internet of Things.
Liang Z. (2024) Computational Modeling for Effective Sleep Apnea Screening with Consumer Wearable Devices.
[Journal] 23 Sep 2024. JMIR Serious Games (Q1)
Our following paper was accepted by JMIR Serious Games, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Liang Z, Melcer EF, Khotchasing K, Chen S, Hwang D, Hoang NH. Game On for Zzz’s: The Role of Relevance in Shaping Perceptions of Sleep Hygiene Games Among University Students.
[Award] 14 Sep 2024. Best Presentation Award @ WSSE 2024
Our following presentation won a Best Presentation Award at the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering.
Liang Z. (2024) Middleware Solution for Real-Time Physiological Data Streaming from Consumer Smartwatches.
[Award] 14 Sep 2024. Best Presentation Award @ BDCI 2024
Our following presentation won a Best Presentation Award at the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence.
Franca Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models.
[Conference] 13 Sep 2024. BDCI 2024 @ Kyoto, Japan
We made the following presentation at the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence.
Franca Carvalho C, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Prediction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Models.
Karunarathna ST, Liang Z. (2024) Glucose Estimation Models for Diabetes and Their Utility on Healthy Individuals.
[Conference] 13 Sep 2024. WSSE 2024 @ Kyoto, Japan
We made the following presentation at the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering.
Liang Z. (2024) Middleware Solution for Real-Time Physiological Data Streaming from Consumer Smartwatches.
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) A Human-Computer Interaction Study of Smartwatch Application for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle.
[Conference] 10 Sep 2024. fNIRS 2024 @ Birmingham, UK
We made the following presentation at the VIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy.
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Utility of fNIRS for Evaluating Human Voice Acoustics for Stress Management.
[Journal] 14 Aug 2024. Sleep and Breathing
Our following paper was published by Sleep and Breathing, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
[Conference] 24 July 2024. NEURO 2024 @ Fukuoka, Japan
We made the following presentation at NEURO2024, the joint meeting of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP), and the 8th Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS) Congress.
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) The Effect of Soothing Human Voice on the Stress Response.
[Outreach] 17 July 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial partners.
[Conference] 30 June 2024. IEEE IJCNN 2024 @ Yokohama, Japan
Our following submission will be published in the Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2024) ProDepDet: Out-Of-Domain Knowledge Transfer of Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Depression Detection in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations.
[Award] 30 June 2024. 2024 IEEE CIS Student Grand Competition @ Yokohama, Japan
Our PhD student Mr. Yapa Prasan won an Honorable Mention Award at the 2024 IEEE CIS Student Grand Competition in Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare, with the following project Vishadha: Early Smart Depression Detector.
[Conference] 7 June 2024. ACM BTIW 2024 @ Tokyo, Japan
Our following submission was published in the Proceedings of The 2nd Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop (BTIW 2024).
Liang Z (2024) Exploring the Impact of Wearable Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Glucose Regulation and Eating Behavior in Healthy Individuals: A Pilot Study.
[Outreach] 6 June 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for high school visitors from Vietnam.
[Journal] 3 June 2024. Frontiers in Education
Our following paper was accepted by Frontiers in Education - Higher Education, indexed by SCI and Scopus.
Liang Z. (2024) More Haste, Less Speed?: Relationship between Response Time and Response Accuracy in Gamified Online Quizzes in an Undergraduate Engineering Course.
[Program Committee] 31 May 2024. CHI 2025 @ Yokohama, Japan
I was invited to serve as an Associate Chair (AC) for the ACM CHI 2025 (Subcommittee: Health), a premier conference in the field of human-computer interaction.
[Outreach] 29 May 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for high school visitors from Indonesia.
[Journal] 28 May 2024. Frontiers in Digital Health
Our following paper was accepted by Frontiers in Digital Health - Digital Mental Health, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Priyadarshana YHPP, Senanayake A, Liang Z and Piumarta I. (2024) Prompt Engineering for Digital Mental Health: A Short Review.
[Outreach] 27 May 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for visitors from Brazil, SEMESP.
[Outreach] 13 May 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for undergraduate visiting students from Ohio State University.
[Journal] 2 May 2024. JMIR Research Protocols
Our following paper was accepted by JMIR Research Protocols, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Saskovets M, Liang Z, Piumarta I, Saponkova I. (2024) Effects of Sound Interventions on the Mental Stress Response in Adults: Protocol for A Scoping Review.
[Outreach] 10 April 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for high school visitors from Thailand.
[Journal] 28 March 2024. Frontiers in Digital Health
Our following paper was accepted by Frontiers in Digital Health - Human Factors and Digital Health, indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Liang Z, Melcer E, Khotchasing K, Hoang HN. (2024) Co-design Personal Sleep Health Technology for and with University Students.
[Conference] 18 March 2024. ICIET 2024 @ Yamaguchi, Japan
We presented the following paper at the 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology.
Liang Z. (2024) Analysis of Students’ Response Time and Performance in Kahoot! Quiz Games in a University Engineering Course.
[Outreach] 14 March 2024. 夢ナビ講義Video
I provided a lecture entitled "薬ではない“薬”~デジタル健康の最前線~(“Medicine” that is not a medicine ~frontiers of digital health~ )" on YumeNavi video stream platform to promote our research among high school students.
[Conference] 6 March 2024. IEICE General Conference 2024 @ Hiroshima, Japan
Our following short papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 2024 General Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Kosasih K. K., Liang Z. (2024) Predicting heart rate from pupillometric data.
[Conference] 23 Feb 2024. HEALTHINF 2024 @ Rome, Italy
Our following papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), indexed by Scopus.)
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) Apnea hypopnea index estimation from low-granularity overnight oxymetry data.
Hoang HN, Khotchasing K, Melcer E, Liang Z. (2024) Serious gamification app for improving sleep-wake cycle and sleep education.
[Invited Talk] 18 Feb 2024. National Electronic & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand.
I was invited to give a talk at the Language & Semantic Technology Research Team (LST), Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (AINRU), National Electronic & Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand.
From smartwatches to social network services: digitalize health with ubiquitous and personal computing technologies.
[Review] 23 Jan 2024. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
I was invited to review papers for the Springer Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
[Outreach] 18 Jan 2024. University Guidebook 2025
Our research was featured in the 2025 university guidebook.
[Program Committee] 17 Jan 2024. IEEE EDUCON 2024
I was invited to join the program committee of the 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference.
[Conference] 16 Jan 2024. CHI 2024 PC Meeting
I participated the ACM CHI 2024 Program Committee meeting as an Associate Chair of the HEALTH subcommittee.
[Outreach] 15 Jan 2024. MS&AD Digital College from Kyoto
I gave a lecture on data analytics for wearable technology in the MS&AD Digital College from Kyoto, a customized employee training and development program for the MS&AD Insurance Group.
[Outreach] 13 Jan 2024. Interactive Webinar
I provided a demo lecture on app development based on OpenAI in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan.
[Outreach] 10 Jan 2024. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for visitors from our industrial collaborators.
[Program Committee] 1 Jan 2024. IEEE CSEE&T 2024
I was invited to join the program committee of the 36th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T).
[Conference] 13 Dec 2023. ASSM 2023 @ Bangkok, Thailand
We following submissions were presented at the 4th Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep (ASSM 2023).
Liang Z, Yahya KN, Setiawan EN, Kasan JA, Firdauzi MO. (2023) FunAlarm: Gamification-Based Smartphone Alarm Application for Reducing Wakeup Delay.
Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2023) Shallow and Deep Learning Models for Detecting Apnea Events in Stroke Patients.
Khotchasing K, Liang Z. (2023) A Pilot Study into the Feasibility of Utilizing Contagious Yawning to improve Sleep Quality.
[Conference] 6 Dec 2023. IEEE ICCE 2023 @ Matsue, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2023), indexed by Scopus. (ICCE)
Liang Z. (2023) Enhancing Learning Experience in University Engineering Classes with Kahoot! Quiz Games.
[Conference] 30 Nov 2023. IEEE ICMU 2023 @ Kyoto, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, indexed by Scopus.
Liang Z. (2023) Effect of Decision Boundary for Logistic Regression Classifiers on Sleep Apnea Screening Accuracy with Wearable SpO2 Data.
[Conference] 30 Nov 2023. IEEE TALE 2023 @ Auckland, New Zealand
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2023), indexed by Web of Science and Scopus.
Liang Z. (2023) Comparing Attitudes Towards Mobile App Development between International Students and Domestic Japanese Students.
[Outreach] 22 Nov 2023. Co-design Workshop (Phase-II)
We organized a co-design workshop Gamified Smartwatch for Sleep Health Workshop, which was facilitated by Prof. Edward Melcer and was attended by 47 students. This workshop was a follow-up of the three co-design workshops that we had during the summer and fall of 2023 and aimed to further explore the interdisciplinary research field at the intersection of gamification, digital health, and human-computer interaction. In this workshop, participants were tasked with a series of fun activities, including providing feedback on the current prototypes developed by the research team, exploring new interaction forms of smartwatch applications, brainstorming new features for the gamified smartwatch apps, and even exploring the game player traits of the participants themselves. It was a ton of fun and full of positive vibes. We are grateful to all participants, student assistants, and Prof. Melcer for co-creating this amazing experience, and look forward to having everyone again in our future workshops. This project is supported by the KUAS Overseas Collaboration Grant 2023.
[Conference] 15 Nov 2023. ECSA2023 @ Cyberspace
We following submissions were published in the Proceedings of the 10th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA2023).
Liang Z. (2023) Developing and Validating Ensemble Classifiers for At-Home Sleep Apnea Screening.
- Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2023) Developing a Cross-Platform Application for Integrating Real-time Time-series Data from Multiple Wearable Sensors
[Outreach] 15 Nov 2023. Open Lab
We hosted an open lab event for undergraduate students.
[Conference] 15 Nov 2023. WEBIST 2023 @ Rome, Italy
Our following paper were published in the Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), indexed by Scopus. This submission won the Best Paper Award.
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
[Conference] 15 Nov 2023. CHIRA 2023 @ Rome, Italy
Our following paper were published in the Proceedings of 7th the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2023), indexed by Scopus.
Del Valle A, Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) A bi-national investigation of the needs of visually disabled people from Mexico and Japan.
[Outreach] 21 Oct 2023. Halloween Costume Contest
I served as a judge for the KUAS Halloween Costume Contest. It was tons of fun!
[Journal] 16 Oct 2023. Digital Health
Our following paper was accepted by Digital Health (Q1), indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Liang Z. (2023) Novel method combining multiscale attention entropy of overnight blood oxygen level and machine learning for easy sleep apnea screening.
[Conference] 10 Oct 2023. IEEE GCCE 2023 @ Nara, Japan
Our following paper were published in the Proceedings of the 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), indexed by Scopus.
Liang Z. (2023) Developing Sleep Apnea Screening Models Compatible With Low-Resolution SpO2 Data
Jayen H, Lukovnikova A, Nhung HH, Liang Z. (2023) Mining Contrast Rules in a Sleep Apnea Dataset
[Conference] 22 Sep 2023. ARTscientific 2023 @ Bangkok, Thailand
We gave the following presentations at the 2023 International Artinis (f)NIRS Symposium
Liang Z, Saskovets M. (2023) Investigating Subjective-Objective Sleep Discrepancy with Consumer Sleep Tracking and Wearable fNIRS Technologies
Saskovets M, Liang Z. (2023) Validation of a New Stress Induction Protocol using Speech Improvisation in Front of Audience: an fNIRS Pilot Study
[Conference] 15 Sep 2023. The 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research @ Yokohama, Japan
Our following submissions were presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research.
Liang Z. (2023) Machine Learning based Sleep Apnea Screening with Overnight SpO2 Recordings.
Nhung HH, Jayen H, Lukovnikova A, Liang Z. (2023) Beyond Statistical Analysis: Identifying Meaningful Patterns in Sleep Apnea Dataset using Contrast Set Mining.
Khotchasing K, Nhung HH, Liang Z. (2023) Design and Development of Gamification mHealth Application for Sleep Hygiene Intervention.
[Conference] 15 Sep 2023. IEICE Society Conference 2023 @ Nagoya, Japan
Our following short papers were published in the Proceedings of the 2023 Society Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Sirithummarak P., Liang Z. (2023) Developing a Cross-Platform Application for Health Data Integration from Multiple Wearable Sensors.
[Outreach] 1 Sep 2023. Research Talk
[Outreach] 22 Aug 2023. Co-design Workshop (Phase-I)
[Outreach] 21 Aug 2023. Ubicomp Lab Research Talk Series
[Conference] 31 Aug 2023. IEEE CollabTech 2023 @ Osaka, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2023), indexed by Scopus.
Yapa H. P. P. P., Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) HelaDepDet: A Novel Multi-Class Classification Model for Detecting the Severity of Human Depression
[Conference] 9 Aug 2023. IEEE CSEE&T 2023 @ Tokyo
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2023), indexed by DBLP and Scopus.
Liang Z, Piumarta I. (2023) An Experience Report on English Medium Instruction (EMI) based Computing Education in a Faculty of Engineering in Japan
[Outreach] 6 Aug 2023. Demo Lecture
I provided a demo lecture on app development based on ChatGPT in KUAS Open Campus.
[Outreach] 9 July 2023. Interactive Webinar
I provided a demo lecture on app development based on ChatGPT in an webinar for Indian students, co-organized by KUAS and Education Japan.
[Outreach] 9 July 2023. Open Campus
Our lab showcased our research projects in the open campus event.
[Invited Talk] 5 July 2023. KUAS Research Network Symposium 2023 @ Kyoto, Japan
I was invited to give a talk at the KUAS Research Network Symposium
From Serious Games to Wearables: Supporting People with Developmental Disorders with AI-Empowered Ubiquitous Computing Technologies
[Journal] 6 June 2023. JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Our following paper was published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (Q1), indexed by PubMed, SCI, and Scopus.
Nhung, H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Knowledge discovery in ubiquitous and personal sleep-tracking: a scoping review.
[Program Committee] 2 June 2023. CHI 2024 @ Hawaii, USA
I was invited to serve as an Associate Chair (AC) for the ACM CHI 2024 (Subcommittee: Health), a top conference in the field of human-computer interaction.
[Grant] 11 May 2023. KUAS Overseas Collaboration Research Grant
Our following research proposal was accepted by the KUAS Overseas Collaboration Research Grant (PI: Dr. Zilu Liang, overseas collaborator: Dr. Edward Melcer / University of California, Santa Cruz, 2023-2024).
When Smartwatch Meets Serious Games: Towards a New Paradigm of swHealth (SmartWatch Health) for Improving Sleep Hygiene
[Grant] 1 April 2023. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)/科研費基盤(B)
Our following research proposal was accepted by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (PI: Prof. Hiroyuki Mitsuhara/University of Tokushima, Co-PIs: Prof. Hisashi Hatakeyama/Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dr. Kaede Kido/Nara Medical University, Dr. Zilu Liang, 2023-2028).
仮想と現実を密にリンクする避難訓練XRシステム (XR-based Evacuation Training Systems with Close Link Between Real and Virtual Environments)
[Conference] 10 May 2023. ICMHI 2023 @ Kyoto
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, indexed by Scopus.
Liang Z. (2023) Multiscale attention entropy (MSAE) of overnight pulse oximetry for assessing sleep apnea.
[Program Committee] 27 April 2023. IEEE TALE 2023
I was invited to join the program committee of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering.
[Outreach] 13 March 2023. Demo Lecture @ KUASE
I provided a demo lecture to high school girls from the Notre Dame High School.
[Conference] 6 March 2023. IEICE General Conference 2023 @ Oomiya, Japan
Our following short papers were published in the Proceedings of the 2023 General Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Nhung H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Identifying Patterns in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data using Contrast Set Mining.
Liang Z. (2023) Gamifying Digital Signal Processing Learning with Kahoot! Quiz.
[Conference] 23 Feb 2023. HEALTHINF 2023 @ Lisbon, Portugal
Our following paper were published in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Health Informatics, indexed by Scopus.
Nhung H. H., Liang Z. (2023) Contrast set mining for actionable insights into associations between sleep and glucose in a normoglycemic population.
[Program Committee] 16 Feb 2023. ICMHI 2023
I was invited to join the program committee of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023).
[Experiment] 27 Jul 2015. Study Participants Wanted ($25 voucher/interview)
Do you have a Fitbit? Are you using Fitbit to track your sleep and lifestyle data like steps walked, exercise or diet? We are building a new web app to help you analyse how your lifestyle affects your sleep. We are looking for Fitbit users to try out the app over 2 weeks and to comment on it in interviews at the start and at the end of the study (1 hour per interview). Volunteers will receive a $25 book/iTunes voucher per interview. HREC #1339336. Register interest at http://go.unimelb.edu.au/39qn or get in touch with Zilu Liang (zilu.liang@unimelb.edu.au).