Introduction to Design (Track 3)
デザイン基礎 (テーマ3)
Fridays 10:30-12:00 & 12:40-14:10 @ Computer Workshop with Profs. Liang / Kishida / Nishi / Ravi / Miyamoto
This practical hands-on course introduces you to the fundamentals of Android app development using MIT App Inventor 2. This course has three parts:
Class 1-12: lectures + hands-on tutorials
Class 13-14: self-directed app development project
Class 15: final presentation
テーマ3では、MIT App Inventor 2を使ってモバイルアプリケーションの設計と開発の基礎を学ぶ。 講義内容の理解と習得を効率的に進めるために、各講義では講師のデモンストレーションに従って⼩規模アプリケーションの実装が⾏われる。 第13、14回の⾃主プロジェクトでは、学⽣は個⼈またはグループで作業し、⾃分の考えに基づいてモバイルアプリケーションを設計および実装する。第15回では、最終発表が⾏う。
Week 1
App Fundamentals アプリケーションの基本
Intro 概要
In-class task 1: self-introduction
In-class task 2: answer the app development attitude survey
Lecture 講義
Assignment 宿題
Answer the learning style survey / Deadline: 17:00 April 15 (Thursday)
How to submit: Take a screenshot or phone of your result, send it to or post it in MS Teams.
Week 2
App Development Environment アプリ開発環境の準備
Lecture 講義
In-class task 1: fill in the table of Android vs iOS
In-class task 2: figure out what IDE is
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 April 23 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show the App Inventor and Android emulation to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional) Challenge advanced task: follow the steps here to connect your Android phone to the App Inventor
Week 3
Variables 変数
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 May 7 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Counter App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Remove the text shown in the label ‘Text for Label1’
Change the counter to increase by 2 instead of 1 on each click
Add another counter button that counts independently of the first button
Add another button that resets the counter to 0
Week 4
Procedures プロシージャ
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 May 14 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Counter App and BMI Calculator App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Add more features to the BMI Calculator app (e.g., calculating previous BMI, giving a simple tip based on the comparison between the current and the previous BMI, calculating ideal body weight based on a user's height)
Week 5
List リスト
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 May 21 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Android Quiz App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Add more features to the Android Quiz App (e.g., adding more questions, changing the color of correct/incorrect message, removing the text of previous answer when the 'Next' button is clicked)
Week 6
Loop ループ
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 May 28 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Android Quiz App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
Make sure you complete all the assignment in previous lectures.
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Restart from the first question when you take a wrong answer.
Show "Congratulations!" N times after all correct, where N means the number of questions.
Week 7
Animation アニメーション
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 June 4 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Animation App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Add a ‘Pause’ button on the UI; when the ‘Pause’ button is clicked, the animation will pause at the current frame.
Add a ‘Resume’ button on the UI; when the ‘Resume’ button is clicked, the animation will resume playing.
Add a ‘Stop’ button on the UI; when the ‘Stop’ button is clicked, the animation will go back to the first frame and stop there.
Add an input box that allows users to set the play speed of the animation.
Week 8
Media メディア
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 June 11 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Audio Player App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Make the ‘Stop’ button work: when the ‘Stop’ button is clicked, the audio player will stop playing and the image will stop rotating.
Add a ‘Pause’ button on the UI; when the ‘Pause’ button is clicked, the audio player will pause, and the image will stop rotating
Week 9
App with multiple screens マルチスクリーン アプリ
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial / Deadline: 14:00 June 18 (Friday)
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Color Dots App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional / advanced) If you have time, why not challenging the following tasks
Remove the text ‘Not set’ in the ‘colorValue’ label
Allow users to draw lines on the canvas; users will be able to set the color and size of the brush
Week 10
Layout レイアウト
Lecture 講義
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Complete the tasks in tutorial
If you finish all the tasks in class, show your Color Dots App to one of the instructors before you leave
If you can't finish all the tasks, you can keep working on them after class and show your work to one of the instructors in class next week
(Optional) If you have time, why not rearranging the UI of the ‘customizeBrushScreen’ using nested layout
We only have 4 classes left before the final presentation. It’s time to think about your self-directed project.
Download the ‘AppConceptRoadmap.docx’ from Teams. Fill the form and submit it by 9th July.
# There is an example on Teams.
Week 12
Advanced Topic II 上級レベル(その2)
Lecture 講義
Slides (Imaging Classification with Machine Learning)
Tutorial 実装
Assignment 宿題
Plz answer this questionnaire
Keep working on 'AppConceptRoadmap.docx’
Week 13
Self-Directed Project I ⾃主プロジェクト(その1)
Tutorial 実装
Group work
Assignment 宿題
Plz answer this questionnaire if you haven't done it.
Submit 'AppConceptRoadmap.docx’.
Week 14
Self-Directed Project II ⾃主プロジェクト(その2)
Tutorial 実装
Group work
Week 15
Final Presentation 最終発表
Group Presentation
Download the ‘0_FinalPresentationFeedbackForm’ form
- Schedule
- Morning session
Project 1: Make everything calorie 0
Project 2: Manage your own health app
Project 3: AddNote
Project 4: Kyoinfo
Project 5: SentanNaviApp
Afternoon session
Project 1: Icheeta
Project 2: Let's Lottery!
Project 3: Meal Inventor
Project 4: Kyoto search app
Project 5: Timesparker
- Morning session
Assignment 宿題 Deadline〆切: July 31st, 2021
Export the code of your group project and submit it to the share folder on MS Teams.
Answer the app development attitude survey