Archived News
[Invited Talk] 22 Dec 2022. ISMODE @ Jakarta, Indonesia
I was invited to give a plenary talk at the International Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Ubiquitous and Personal Computing for Health and Wellbeing
[Program Committee] 19 Dec 2022. ACM ITiCSE 2023
I was invited to join the program committee of the 28th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE).
[Outreach] 6 Dec 2022. IEEE CIS Hackathon on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare
Our master student Ms Hoàng Huyền Nhung won an Honorable Mention Award of the 2022 IEEE CIS Student Hackathon on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare, with the following project "Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor wearable device with a smartphone application for Parkinson’s disease falls prevention".
[Conference] 6 Dec 2022. IEEE TALE 2022 @ Hong Kong
Our following full paper will be published in the Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, the flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society.
Liang Z. (2022) Contextualizing introductory app development course for first-year engineering students.
[Journal] 4 Nov 2022. Frontiers in Medical Technology
Our following full paper was published in Frontiers in Medical Technology (Section: Medtech Data Analytics).
Liang Z. (2022) Mining associations between glycemic variability in awake-time and in-sleep among non-diabetic adults.
[Program Committee] 28 Oct 2022. IEEE CSEE&T 2023
I was invited to join the program committee of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2023).
[Outreach] 25 Oct 2022. Welcome two exchange students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), USA
A big welcome to Ms Alena Lukovnikova and Ms Hannah Jayne, two exchange students from the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), USA. They will stay at KUAS from October to December to work on a research project about sleep apnea detection with consumer wearable technologies.
[Journal] 19 Oct 2022. MDPI Electronics
Our following full paper was published in Electronics (Q2), indexed by SCI and Scopus.
Liang Z. (2022) Context-aware sleep health recommender systems (CASHRS): a narrative review.
[Conference] 18 Oct 2022. IEEE GCCE 2022 @ Osaka, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022).
Tanaka D., Tanaka J., Ikuru K., Liang Z., Piumarta I. (2022) AkiKomi: Design and Implementation of a Mobile App System for Real-Time Room Occupancy Estimation.
[Program Committee] 11 Oct 2022. IEEE EDUCON 2023
I was invited to join the program committee of the IEEE EDUCON 2023 special session Learner Engagement Analytics Informed Pedagogy (LEAP). Submission deadline: 5 Dec 2022.
[Program Committee] 9 Oct 2022. ACM CHI 2023
I was invited to review papers for the 2023 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[Preprint] 26 Sep 2022. JMIR Preprint
Our following preprint is available in JMIR Preprint.
Nhung, H. H., Liang Z. (2022) Knowledge discovery in ubiquitous and personal sleep-tracking: a scoping review.
[Research] 8 Sep 2022. Welcome two new PhD students from Sri Lanka and Russia
A big welcome to Mr YAPA HETTI PATHIRANNAHALAGE Prasan Priyadarshana and Ms SASKOVETS Marina for joining our lab.
[Review] 1 Sep 2022. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
I was invited to review papers for the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.
[Conference] 23 Aug 2022. IFIP WCCE 2022 @ Hiroshima, Japan
I gave the following presentation at the IFIP 2022 World Conference on Computers in Education.
Liang Z. (2022) Changes in attitude towards mobile app development: a preliminary comparison between MIT App Inventor and Android Studio.
[Outreach] 22 Aug 2022. Demo Lecture @ KUASE
I provided a demo lecture to high school girls from the Kyoto Koka Women's High School.
[Review] 12 Aug 2022. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
I was invited to review papers for the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
[Review] 29 July 2022. Frontiers in Endocrinology
I was invited to review papers for Frontiers in Endocrinology journal.
[Outreach] 29 July 2022. Demo Lecture @ Shinagawa Shouei Junior High School
I provided a demo lecture to junior high school students at the Shinagawa Shouei Junior High School in Tokyo.
[Outreach] 28 July 2022. Demo Lecture @ Shinagawa Shouei Senior High School
I provided a demo lecture to senior high school students at the Shinagawa Shouei Senior High School in Tokyo.
[Review] 24 July 2022. Computers in Human Behavior Reports
I was invited to review papers for Computers in Human Behavior Reports journal.
[Program Committee] 9 July 2022. IEEE GCCE 2022
I was invited to review papers for the IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022).
[Review] 7 July 2022. Frontiers in Computer Science
I was invited to review papers for Frontiers in Computer Science journal.
[Outreach] 7 July 2022. Demo Lecture @ KUASE
I provided a demo lecture to senior high school students from the Kamiichi High School of Toyama Prefecture.
[Conference] 1 July 2022. The 47th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research @ Kyoto, Japan
I gave the following presentation at the 47th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research. This presentation was nominated (= top 12.5%) for the Best Presentation Award.
Liang Z. (2022) Mining associations between Fitbit measured sleep structure and subsequent daytime glycemia patterns.
[Program Committee] 18 June 2022. IEEE TALE 2022
I was invited to join the program committee of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering.
[Book Chapter] 23 March 2022. IoT Technologies for Health Care
Our following paper was published in IoT Technologies for Health Care: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.
Liang Z. (2022) Not just a matter of accuracy: a fNIRS pilot study into discrepancy between sleep data and subjective sleep experience in quantified-self sleep tracking.
[Conference] 9 March 2022. IEEE LifeTech 2022 @ Osaka, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies, indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore and DBLP.
Liang Z. (2022) Correlation analysis of nested consumer health data: a new look at an old problem.
[Editorial Board] 24 Feb 2022. IEEE Journal Of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
I was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.
[Grant] 22-23 Feb 2022. Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program
As a former recipient of the Interstellar Initiative Grant in 2018, I was invited to join the Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program, co-funded by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) & The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). I teamed up with Dr. Edward Melcer (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Dr. Carolyn Parsey (University of Washington) to develop a novel gamification system for personalized management of mild cognitive impairment, under the mentorship of Profs. Hiroki Ueda (The University of Tokyo), Haruhiko Bito (The University of Tokyo), Suzie Chen (Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), Toshio Suda (National University of Singapore).
[Conference] 9 Feb 2022. HEALTHINF 2022 @ Cyberspace
Our following full paper was published in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Health Informatics, indexed by Scopus.
Liang Z., Nhung H. H., Bertrand L., Cleyet-Marrel, N. (2022) Context-aware sleep analysis with intraday steps and heart rate time series data from consumer activity trackers.(Acceptance rate of full papers = 23%)
[Invited Talk] 29 Jan 2022. ISMODE @ Indonesia
I was invited to give a plenary talk at the International Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science.
Machine learning and data mining in consumer health informatics.
[Conference] 29 Jan 2022. ISMODE @ Indonesia
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the International Seminar on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, indexed by Scopus and IEEE Xplore.
Liang Z. (2022) Association rules mining on multimodal quantified-self data.
[Journal] 28 Jan 2021. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Our following full paper was published in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Ploderer B., Rodgers S., Liang Z (2022) What’s keeping teens up at night? Reflecting on sleep and technology habits with teens.
[Program Committee] 25 Jan 2022. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
I was invited to review papers for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies journal.
[Outreach] 21 Jan 2022. MS&AD Digital College from Kyoto
I gave a lecture on data analytics for wearable technology in the MS&AD Digital College from Kyoto, a customized employee training and development program for the MS&AD Insurance Group.
[Program Committee] 31 Dec 2021. Biosensors
I was invited to review papers for the Biosensors journal.
[Program Committee] 30 Dec 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
I was invited to review papers for the International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health.
[Program Committee] 15 Dec 2021. ACM ITiCSE 2022
I was invited to join the program committee of the 27th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE).
[Outreach] 13 Dec 2021. Dayzz
Our lab kickstarted a collaboration with Dayzz, a global start-up that provides innovative digital sleep solution and personalized sleep training plans to individuals who aim to improve or maintain sleep health.
[Grant] 9-10 Dec 2021. Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program
As a former recipient of the Interstellar Initiative Grant in 2018, I was invited to join the Interstellar Initiative Alumni Program, co-funded by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) & The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). I teamed up with Dr. Edward Melcer (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Dr. Carolyn Parsey (University of Washington) to develop new digital biomarker for Alzheimer's disease, under the mentorship of Profs. Hiroki Ueda (The University of Tokyo), Suzie Chen (Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), and Yasuhiko Saito (Nihon University).
[Program Committee] 7 Dec 2021. IEICE Award Committee
I was invited to serve on the Award Selection Committee of the IEICE Society Conference 2021.
[Conference] 5 Dec 2021. IEEE TALE 2021 @ Wuhan, China
Our following full paper will be published in the Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, the flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society.
Liang Z., Nishi M., Kishida I. (2021) Teaching Android app development to first year undergraduates: textual programming or visual programming?
[Journal] 2 Dec 2021. Frontiers in Computer Science
Our following full paper was published in the Frontiers in Computer Science (section: Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing).
Liang Z (2021) What does sleeping brain tell about stress? A pilot fNIRS study into stress-related cortical hemodynamic features during sleep.
[Outreach] 2 Dec2021. NHK Enterprise
I provided a technical consulting session for the NHK Enterprise related to the experiment design for examining the potential emotional and cognitive effect of roses.
[Program Committee] 2 Dec 2021. IMWUT.
I was invited to review papers for The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) as an external reviewer. IMWUT is a premier journal series for research relevant to ubiquitous and wearable computing.
[Program Committee] 10 Nov 2021. IEEE EDUCON 2022
I was invited to join the program committee of the IEEE EDUCON 2022 special session The Evolution of Pedagogic Practices in a Post-Pandemic Higher Education Landscape (P4HE). Submission deadline: 05 Dec 2021.
[Editorial Board] 09 Nov 2021. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
I was invited to serve as a guest associate editor for the special issue "Educational Technologies for Sustainable and Expansive Learning" under the journal IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Submission deadline: March 21, 2022.
[Conference] 17 Oct 2021. IEEE SMC 2021 @ Melbourne, Australia
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021).
Liang Z. (2021) An N-of-1 investigation into stress-related hemodynamics in the prefrontal cortex during the first sleep cycle.
[Conference] 12 Oct 2021. IEEE GCCE 2021 @ Kyoto, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021).
Sirithummarak P., Liang Z. (2021) Investigating the effect of feature distribution shift on the performance of sleep stage classification with consumer sleep trackers.
[Program Committee] 8 Oct 2021. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
I was invited to review papers for the Frontiers in Psychiatry as an external reviewer.
[Invited talk] 30 Sep 2021. Human Augmentation Research Center, AIST @ Tokyo, Japan
I gave an invited talk on "Mobile and Wearable Computing for Studying Human Physiology and Behavior in the Wild" at the Human Augmentation Research Center, the National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology.
[Editorial Board] 26 Sep 2021. Frontiers in Medical Technology
I was invited to serve as a guest editor for the special issue "Wearable Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Affordable Healthcare" under the open access journal Frontiers in Medical Technology (Section: Medtech Data Analytics).
[Program Committee] 24 Sep 2021. The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
I was invited to review papers for CHI 2022 as an external reviewer.
[Conference] 16 Sep 2021. IEICE Society Conference @ Kumamoto, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of the 2021 Society Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Sirithummarak P., Liang Z. (2021) Effect of feature distribution shift on sleep-wake classification with Apple watch.
[Technical Committee] 14 Sep 2021. IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc)
I was invited to join the technical committee of Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing (CSH), IEEE Consumer Technology Society.
[Research] 8 Sep 2021. Welcome two new master students from Indonesia and Vietnam
A big welcome to Mr KOSASIH Kristofer Kevin and Ms Hoàng Huyền Nhung for joining our lab.
[Program Committee] 1 Sep 2021. EAI PervasiveHealth
I was invited to join the program committee of the 15th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare.
[Journal] 20 Aug 2021. MDPI Engineering Proceedings
Our following paper was published in the MDPI Engineering Proceedings. This is an achievement of two interns who completed a 3-month research project on eating activity recognition at the Ubiquitous and Personal Computing Lab of KUAS, under the exchange study program between KUASE and the Department of Computer Science, Université de Toulouse, France.
Bertrand L, Cleyet-Marrel N, Liang Z. (2021) Recognizing eating activities in free-living environment using consumer wearable devices.
[Outreach] 30 July 2021. Higher Education DX Symposium 2021 @ MEXT
I joined KUASE Dean Prof Tabata to present the progress of our following project in the Higher Education DX Symposium 2021, which is part of the Scheem-D Initiative launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT).
EduBrAIn: Assist, Activate, and Amplify Brain Storming with AI.
[Program Committee] 30 July 2021. ACM SIGCSE 2022
I was invited to join the program committee of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
[Program Committee] 24 July 2021. IEEE TALE 2021
I was invited to join the program committee of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering.
[Conference] 13 July 2021. The 46th Annual Meeting of JSSR @ Fukuoka, Japan
I will give the following presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research.
Liang Z. (2021) Association between bedtime stress level and hemodynamics in prefrontal cortex during sleep.
[Program Committee] 1 July 2021. IEEE GCCE 2021
I was invited to review papers for the 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) as an external reviewer.
[Program Committee] 24 June 2021. ACM ISWC 2021
I was invited to review papers for the ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC 2021) as an external reviewer.
[Program Committee] 4 June 2021. IEEE SMC 2021
I was invited to join the program committee of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021).
[Outreach] 1 June 2021. Welcome an intern from Université de Toulouse, France
A big welcome to Mr. Naim Omar from the Department of Computer Science, Université de Toulouse, France. He will join the Ubiquitous and Personal Computing Lab remotely from June to August to work on a research project about machine learning in sleep stage classification.
[Conference] 14 May 2021. ASSM 2021 @ Beijing, China
I gave the following presentation at the 3rd Congress of Asian Society of Sleep Medicine.
Liang Z. (2021) Self-rated sleep quality is associated with hemodynamics in prefrontal cortex in the first sleep cycle.
[Journal] 19 April 2021. Frontiers in Digital Health
Our following full paper was published in the Frontiers in Digital Health journal (section: Health Informatics).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2021) A multi-level classification approach for sleep stage prediction with processed data derived from consumer wearable activity trackers.
[Grant] 1 Apr 2021. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early Career Scientists
Our following research proposal was accepted by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (2021-2024, Amount: JPY 4,680,000, PI: Dr. Zilu Liang).
[Editorial Board] 29 March 2021. MDPI Sensors Journal.
I was invited to join the Topics Board of Sensors, a Q1 journal in instruments/instrumentation.
[Conference] 9 March 2021. IEEE LifeTech @ Nara, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies, indexed by IEEE Xplore and DBLP.
Bertrand L, Cleyet-Marrel N, Liang Z. (2021) The role of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in automatic detection of eating activities.
[Conference] 6 March 2021. Annual Meeting of JSET @ Kobe, Japan
Our following short paper will be published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Educational Technology.
Liang Z. (2021) Reflection on an English-medium app development course.
[Book Chapter] 23 Feb 2021. Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Our following paper was published as a chapter in the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 362. Springer, Cham.
Liang Z., Chapa-Martell MA. (2021) Validation of Omron wearable blood pressure monitor HeartGuide in free-living environments. In: Ye J., O'Grady M.J., Civitarese G., Yordanova K. (eds) Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. MobiHealth 2020. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 362. Springer, Cham.
[Outreach] 19 Feb 2021. SCHEEM-D (Student Centered Higher Education Ecosystem Through Digitalization) @ MEXT
I joined KUASE Dean Prof Tabata to present our following proposal in the Scheem-D Initiative launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT). We are one of the 10 teams selected from 104 submissions. You can watch our presentation here.
BrAIn: Assist, Activate, and Amplify Brain Storming using AI.
[Editorial Board] 24 Jan 2021. MDPI Electronics Journal.
I was invited to serve as a guest editor for the special issue "Context-aware computing and smart recommender systems in the IoT" under the open access journal Electronics.
[Conference] 13 Jan 2021. IEEE Education Society
I received a Certificate of Appreciation from the IEEE Education Society for serving on the IEEE TALE 2020 Local Organizing Committee. Looking forward to being involved in future IEEE TALE conferences.
[Program Committee] 9 Jan 2021. ACM ITiCSE 2021.
I was invited to join the program committee of the 26th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE).
[Teaching] 23 Dec 2020. English Medium Instruction Certificate
I completed an online professional development course on Global Englishes and English Medium Instruction provided by the UTokyo English Academia. This course equips university professors with the linguistic knowledge and pedagogical strategies to teach science and engineering subjects using English as a lingua franca in a global context. This involved 10 modules of lectures and quizzes, and 4 discussion forums.
[Conference] 10 Dec 2020. IEEE TALE 2020 Special Track
We successfully organized a special track on “Preparing the Workforce for Industry 4.0: Robotics, Automation, and Ubiquitous Smart Technologies in Education” in IEEE TALE 2020. A summary of this special track is available here.
[Conference] 10 Dec 2020. IEEE TALE 2020 @ Takamatsu, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of IEEE TALE 2020, the flagship conference of IEEE Education Society on STEM education. This is a joint-effort with the University of Macau.
Liang Z., da Costa Junior MG, Piumarta I (2020) Opportunities for improving the learning/teaching experience in a virtual online environment.
[Conference] 9 Dec 2020. IEEE TALE 2020 Student Research Competition
Our students presented the following two research projects in the TALE 2020 Student Research Competition. The undergraduate team was the winner of the undergraduate category. Their achievements are featured in a news article (by Prof Tadayuki Imai) on the official website of KUAS.
Pataranit Sirithummarak. A Novel Approach to Non-contact-based Pulse Detection: Pulse and ECG Measurement Using Mobile Phone Camera.
Shinjiro Matayoshi, Daisei Tanaka, Sena Yun: Developing Novel IoT System for Real-time Room Occupancy Monitoring. (Winner of undergraduate category)
[Outreach] 18 Nov 2020. Bilibili Webinar
I attended a live webinar on Bilibili to promote KUASE to wide audience in China.
[Invited talk] 30 Oct 2020. Department of Health and Sports Science
I gave an invited talk on "Wearable Technologies for Enhancing Health and Sports Performance" in the Department of Health and Sports Science, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at KUAS. A research consortium has been established between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences to develop new interdisciplinary solutions to sleep and metabolic disorders. Happy researching!
[Program Committee] 2 Oct 2020. The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
I was invited to review papers for CHI 2021 as an external reviewer.
[Conference] 16 Sep 2020. IEICE Society Conference @ Tokushima
Two freshmen of KUASE presented the following short papers in the 2020 IEICE Society Conference. These papers are based on their course work in Technical Communications in English. Well done! Their achievements are featured in a news article (by Prof Tadayuki Imai) on the official website of KUAS.
Yun S, Moekoe C, Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2020) Leveraging cloud-based learning technologies for developing professional communication skills in a collaborative learning environment.
Moekoe C, Yun S, Sirithummarak P, Liang Z. (2020) Building technical communication skills of engineering students using authentic materials and tasks.
[Research] 9 Sep 2020. Welcome a new master student from Thailand
A big welcome to Ms Pataranit Sirithummarak for joining our lab. She will focus on developing new wearable technologies for pulse diagnosis.
[Conference] 3 Sep 2020. Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education @ Hiroshima
Our following short papers was published in the Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conf of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education.
Liang Z (2020) Leveraging ubiquitous learning technologies for collaborative online learning.
[Conference] 1 Sep 2020. IPSJ FIT @ Hokkaido
Our following short papers was published in the Proceedings of the 19th IPSJ Forum of Information Technology .
Liang Z (2020) Engaging students in online virtual classroom using web application Sutori.
[Program Committee] 4 Aug 2020. The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
I was invited to join the program committee of ACM SIGCSE TS 2021.
[Outreach] June 2020. Welcome two interns from Université de Toulouse, France
A big welcome to Ms Lauriane Bertrand and Mr Nathan Cleyet-Marrel, two interns from Department of Computer Science, Université de Toulouse, France. They will virtually stay in KUAS from June to August to work on research projects about stress prediction and meal time detection using wearable technologies.
[Journal] March 2020. ACM IMWUT
[Conference] 14 Sep 2021. The ACM Intl Joint Conf on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Comput (UbiComp) @ Cancun, Mexico
Our following full paper was published in PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), a top journal in computing technology. I will also give an oral presentation of this paper in UbiComp 2021. This was a joint-research with Dr. Bernd Ploderer (expert in HCI) at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Three-year of hard work finally paid off!
Liang Z, Ploderer B. (2020) “How does Fitbit measure brainwaves”: a qualitative study into the credibility of sleep-tracking technologies.
[Program Committee] 31 March 2020. The IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering
We are currently organizing a special track in TALE 2020, the flagship conference of IEEE Education Society on STEM education. This special track, entitled "Preparing the Workforce for Industry 4.0: Robotics, Automation, and Ubiquitous Smart Technologies in Education", aims to bring together teachers, educational researchers, and developers to discuss the trends and issues of integrating robotic, automatic and ubiquitous learning technologies in STEM education. If you feel attracted and want to contribute, please register in THIS FORM to become a program committee member.
[Program Committee] 21 March 2020. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics
I was invited to join the program committee of ICHI 2020 Poster and Demo Track.
[Conference] 17 March 2020. IEICE General Conference @ Hiroshima, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceeding of IEICE General Conference.
Liang Z, Andersen LE, Tatha O. (2020) Towards automatic analysis of relationship between perceived stress and physical activity with self-tracking technologies.
[Conference] 10 March 2020. IEEE LifeTech 2020 @ Kyoto, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceeding of The 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies.
Liang Z, Tatha O, Andersen L. (2020) Developing mHealth app for tracking academic stress and physiological reactions to stress.
[Conference] 5 March 2020. The 82th National Convention of IPSJ @ Kanazawa, Japan
Our following short paper was published in the Proceeding of the 82th National Convention of Information Processing Society of Japan.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) Leveraging consumer activity trackers for sleep stage prediction.
[Media] 2 March 2020. Techheading
Our papers on the validation of consumer wearable sleep trackers and the pitfall of sleep tracking were featured in a technology article "Is It Really Worth Tracking Your Sleep?" on
[Conference] 29 Feb 2020. Annual Meeting of JSET @ Nagano, Japan
Our following short papers were published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Educational Technology.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) Towards the visualization of classroom orchestration.
Smith M, Liang Z, Piumarta I, Tabata O, Takeda K. (2020) Design of faculty development training program for English medium instruction in engineering.
[Program Committee] 25 Feb 2020. IEEE TALE 2020
I was invited to join the local committee of IEEE TALE 2020, the flagship conference of IEEE Education Society on STEM education.
[Conference] 24 Feb 2020. HEALTHINF 2020 @ Valletta, Malta
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Health Informatics.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2020) A two-stage imbalanced learning method to sleep stage classification using consumer activity trackers.
[Outreach] 17 Jan 2020. KUAS-NCIS Technical Exchange Seminar @ NIDEC Center for Industrial Science
I gave a talk on "Sleep health in digital age: from wearable sensing to personal informatics" at KUAS-NCIS Technical Exchange Seminar ~ The Future of Simulation and Data Science ~
[Outreach] 10 Dec 2019. IEEE TALE 2019 @ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
I presented KUAS in an outreach session during the IEEE Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning 2019 for Engineering at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
[Conference] 10 Dec 2019. IEEE TALE 2019 @ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Our following papers were published in the Proceedings of IEEE TALE 2019, the flagship conference of IEEE Education Society on STEM education.
Liang Z. (2019) Enhancing active learning in web development classes using pairwise pre-and-post lecture quizzes, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Liang Z. (2019) Design of a web development attitudes survey, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
[Journal] 04 Dec 2019. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
Our following abstract was published in The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Measurement accuracy of consumer sleep tracking wristbands is associated to users’ age and sleep efficiency. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 8(6):394.
[Media] 28 Nov 2019. KUAS Official Website
Our research was introduced in a news article (by Prof Tadayuki Imai) on the official website of KUAS.
[Conference] 12 Oct 2019. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology @ Kanazawa, Japan
I gave an oral presentation on the following topic in the 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Moving beyond statistical analysis: applying association rule mining to discovering correlations between daily behavioral rhythm and sleep quality.
[Media] 10 Oct 2019. GIZMODO
Our paper on the validation of consumer wearable sleep trackers was featured in a science article "Does My Smartwatch's Sleep Tracker Actually Do Anything?" by Maddie Stone on GIZMODO.
[Conference] 19 Sep 2019. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine @ Tsukuba, Japan
I gave an oral presentation on the following topic in the 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Measurement accuracy of consumer sleep tracking wristbands is associated to user-specific factors.
[Conference] 12 Sep 2019. IEICE Society Conference 2019 @ Osaka, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of IEICE Society Conference 2019.
Liang Z, White G, Clarke S Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Mining association rules in quantified self data for better sleep and productivity
[Conference] 4 Sep 2019. The 17th Intl Conf on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2019) @ Dublin, Ireland
Our following full paper was published in the Proceedings of CBMI 2019 (indexed by IEEE Xplorer and ACM DL).
White G, Liang Z, Clarke S (2019) A quantified-self framework for exploring and enhancing personal productivity.
[Conference] 3 Sep 2019. The 18th Form on Information Technology @ Okayama, Japan
Our following full paper was published in the Proceedings of the 18th Forum on Information Technology.
Liang Z., Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Mitigating resource constraints in web development education using commercial cloud services.
[Invited talk] 31 Aug 2019. Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST @ Tokyo, Japan
I gave an invited talk on "Wearable Computing and Personal Informatics for Health and Wellbeing" in the Artificial Intelligence Research Center at the National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology on 30 Aug 2019.
[Program Committee] 15 Aug 2019. ACM SIGCSE 2020
I was invited to join the TPC of ACM SIGCSE 2020, the flagship conference of ACM Special Interest Group in computer science education.
[Conference] 6 Aug 2019. The 17th IEEE Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2019) @ Fukuoka, Japan
Our following full paper was published in the Proceedings of IEEE PICOM 2019 (indexed by Scopus and IEEE Xplorer).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Achieving accurate ubiquitous sleep sensing with consumer wearable activity wristbands using multi-class imbalanced classification.
[Program Committee] 28 Jul 2019. IEEE TALE 2019
I was invited to join the TPC of IEEE TALE 2019, the flagship conference of IEEE Education Society on STEM education.
[Media] 16 Jul 2019. UK Houses of Parliament
Our paper on the validation of consumer wearable sleep trackers was cited by the UK Parliamentary Office of Sciences & Technology in their review report on sleep and health. We look forward to creating further impact of our research outcomes.
[Journal] 4 Jul 2019. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology
Our following full paper was published in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology (indexed by Scopus and DBLP).
Liang Z, Yoshida Y, Iino N, Nishimura T, Chapa-Martell MA, Nishimura S.(2019) A pervasive sensing approach to automatic assessment of trunk coordination using mobile devices.
[Journal] 8 Jul 2019. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology
Our following full paper was published in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology (indexed by Scopus and DBLP).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell M A. (2019) Not all errors are created equal: influence of user characteristics on measuring errors of consumer wearable devices for sleep tracking.
[Conference] 12 Jun 2019. The 7th IEEE Intl Conf on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2019) @ Xi'an, China
Our following short paper was published in the Proceedings of IEEE ICHI 2019 (indexed by SCI and Scopus).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining resampling and machine learning to improve sleep-wake detection of Fitbit wristbands.
[Conference] 8 Jun 2019. The 62th Meeting of IPSJ SIG UBI @ Tokyo, Japan
Our following full paper was published as a technical report by the 62th Meeting of the IPSJ Speical Interest Group on Ubiquitous Computing System.
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Predicting medical-grade sleep/wake classification from Fitbit data using tree-based machine learning. IPSJ SIG Technical Report.
[Journal] 6 Jun 2019. Journal of Medical Internet Research (Ranked #2 among medical informatics journals by SCI)
Our following paper was published in the JMIR mHealth and uHealth (indexed by PubMed, SCI and Scopus).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Accuracy of Fitbit wristbands in measuring sleep stage transitions and the effect of user-specific factors.
[Grant] 1 Apr 2019. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early Career Scientists
Our following research proposal was accepted by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (2019-2021, Amount: JPY 4,160,000, PI: Dr. Zilu Liang).
Where is stressed processed in brain during sleep? -- A Neuroimaging study into stress-related abnormalities in brain activity during sleep
[Conference] 24 Mar 2019. IEEE PerCom 2019 @ Kyoto, Japan
Our following paper was published in the Proceedings of IEEE Percom 2019 (indexed by IEEE Xplorer and DBLP).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2019) Combining numerical and visual approaches in validating sleep data quality of consumer wearable wristbands. IEEE IQ2S Workshop, Kyoto, Japan.
[Conference] 12 Dec 2018. IEEE TALE 2018 @ Wollongong, Australia
Our following full paper was published in the Proceedings of IEEE TALE 2018 (indexed by SCI, Scopus and IEEE Xplorer).
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) A top down approach to teaching web development on cloud. IEEE TALE 2018, Wollongong, Australia.
[Conference] 06 Oct 2018. Asian Deans' Forum 2018: The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop @ Hongkong
Attended the Asian Deans' Forum 2018 as a rising star women in engineering as a representative of the Univ of Tokyo
[Grant] 31 May 2018. Interstellar Initiative 2018 @ New York, US
Was selected as an Early Career Investigator (ECI) by the Interstellar Initiative 2018, co-funded by Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development & The New York Academy of Sciences. Will attend the initial workshop in New York to meet other ECI. Together we will tackle the greatest challenges in neuroscience. Excited!
[Journal] 20 Apr 2018. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research
Our following paper was published in the Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research
Liang Z, Chapa-Martell MA. (2018) Validity of consumer activity wristbands and wearable EEG for measuring overall sleep parameters and sleep structure in free-living conditions. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 2 (1-2): 152-178. DOI: 10.1007/s41666-018-0013-1
[Experiment] 27 Jul 2015. Study Participants Wanted ($25 voucher/interview)
Do you have a Fitbit? Are you using Fitbit to track your sleep and lifestyle data like steps walked, exercise or diet? We are building a new web app to help you analyse how your lifestyle affects your sleep. We are looking for Fitbit users to try out the app over 2 weeks and to comment on it in interviews at the start and at the end of the study (1 hour per interview). Volunteers will receive a $25 book/iTunes voucher per interview. HREC #1339336. Register interest at or get in touch with Zilu Liang (